Digital Signage – forecast for further development in 2024

Digital Signage is an advertising broadcasting system that operates in all places where clients or staff gather, who need a constant flow of important information.

Currently, such signs are actively used almost everywhere — including in retail or fast-food establishments. The technology is developing very quickly and is very popular as it allows displaying content in a convenient format for consumption; the advertisement looks bright and attractive.


Features of the Digital Signage technology


The Digital Signage screen (by the way, we discuss this technology in more detail here) is placed in the zone that is directly in the person’s line of sight. It shows advertising to the potential buyer and can also determine the age and gender of the client. That is, the technology is compatible with targeting and then also sends feedback and statistics to the user. Sometimes screens are supplemented with devices that accept payments. Digital Signage solves the following tasks:


1. Informational. They facilitate client navigation and also provide them with all the necessary information in an accessible manner: for example, informing about current promotions, place in line, and so on. The content is adjusted to the space.


2. Advertising. Such screens attract the attention of clients and inform about the advantages of products or services. This task is secondary for Digital Signage.


3. Entertainment. Directly related to the previous task. To get the user interested in the information, you need to attract their attention, show something out of the ordinary. Properly selected materials make the shopping process more enjoyable.


For Digital Signage to function, a computer with specialized software, a switch, a content management system, and the screen itself are needed.


In which sectors can it be applied


Proper technology setup will allow the business owner to leave their competitors far behind. It operates promptly and centrally, the information is transmitted instantly. One person can manage the system.


Using Digital Signage enhances communication effectiveness, impacting directly at the point of sale. With the right content, the loyalty of customers and staff increases. A bright and dynamic picture will definitely attract attention. The spheres of screen application are any where there are people with whom you can interact through advertising and messages, and also receive feedback through the touch interface.


Statistics collected by marketers show the following:


– 60% of purchases are impulsive;


– Digital Signage increases the likelihood of purchase by amounts ranging from 20 to 120%;


– 77% of the audience notices the dynamic picture; if a person watches a video while waiting, it feels like time is passing faster;


– 42% of the audience makes purchases where digital video is shown;


– 76% of buyers have a positive attitude towards interactive systems and want to use them;


– 30% of buyers believe that the digital menu creates a desire to make a purchase.


From this data, it can be concluded that when working closely with clients, Digital Signage is very effective. Therefore, it is worth implementing it in work: the future prospects are impressive.


Digital Signage is constantly evolving


The main advantage of digital signage for advertising is that the system is constantly evolving, not standing still. Already now, it can personalize content, considering the gender and age of a person. Even the customer’s behavior is taken into account: where they are going, what they are looking at. And this will only be improved in the future, which in turn will enhance efficiency. Interactivity and engagement will attract new customers.


Content management systems are also improving. Advertising can be zoned, tailoring the image to the specifics of the external environment. The technology even adapts to the movement of the consumer’s eyes.


The screens for display are also not static. Of particular interest are mechanized varieties. In this case, we are talking about one or several screens connected to each other, which can be moved to create a certain visual effect. Special software is responsible for this task.


Advantages of Mechanized Screens


Mechanized screens attract attention due to a number of advantages they possess.


A successful example of mechanized screens is the billboard advertising Coca-Cola, located on the famed Times Square in New York. To create it, the Coca-Cola company employed 1760 individual LED screens (light-emitting modules) installed across six floors. When playing the advertising content, a sense of a “live” billboard is created due to the moving mechanisms operating based on a given script, with each screen module programmed to act independently of other elements. It can interpret waves, various structures, and other three-dimensional complex shapes.


Let’s consider in more detail the advantages of this format:


1. Novelty. Digital Signage is so effective that it has quickly spread in the advertising sector. But it no longer surprises anyone these days. However, the movement of a monitor with an image is something more intriguing.


2. One can influence the viewer through all three channels of perception. Residents of big cities are typically kinesthetic, as indicated by psychologists’ statistics. Therefore, moving elements are appealing, and information presented in this manner is better perceived, complemented by audio and video.


3. The range of possibilities for intriguing visual solutions. Visual effects when using mechanical screens can sometimes astonish. The impact is limited only by the creator’s imagination.


4. Prestige. The owner’s rating after using such installations soars sky-high. The novelty of the technology allows adaptation in any desired way.


Mechanized screens are indeed very intriguing and deserve attention. Placing content on them is convenient, and there is the opportunity to implement the boldest ideas.


Equipment for Digital Signage


Now, Digital Signage is not just large LED screens on which content is broadcasted according to a certain playlist. Technologies are constantly evolving, expanding the list of used equipment. Let’s highlight the most popular:


Touch multitouch screens. They allow interaction with the content through touches. At the same time, several people can work with such a screen independently from each other.


Beacon devices. These are devices with low power consumption, transmitting unique identifiers or URLs. With their help, you can create an information bridge between the digital signs and, for example, a smartphone. A usage example is an automated guide.


Various readers: RFID, NFC, etc. With their help, unique information can be displayed on the screen. For example, present a membership card and receive personal recommendations.

How Digital Signage Integrates with Other Equipment


Digital Signage effectively represents a personal computer with a screen or just a screen with its separate content source. At the core of this system is a server that provides the ability to upload content and distribute it across the network. The main management is carried out with its assistance.


Since the data on the screens can be interactive, it’s enough to indicate a sensor output or a database as the source where they will be sent. For example, to show the schedule for the day to an employee who authenticated at the entrance using their card. Screens can refine the information as a person gets closer. No special equipment is needed.


It should be noted that the modern user expects quick reactions from devices and software, and Digital Signage handles this brilliantly. Contemporary equipment instantly provides interesting information; it doesn’t need much processing time. For this reason, investments in this technology are fully justified. It’s likely that this list will expand in the future.


More information about digital signage players:


Managing digital signage involves flexible media planning for screens. The ease of integration and management becomes even more pronounced with various digital signage players tailored for different operating systems. Whether you use a digital signage player on Android OS, Linux OS, Raspbian, or Windows OS, the technology has been developed to meet the user’s expectations for rapid content deployment and interaction. The choice of OS largely depends on the specific requirements, scalability, and desired features of the system.


How to Achieve Success in Implementing Digital Signage Technology


The development of Digital Signage offers vast prospects for business and forms new channels of interaction with consumers. The technology combines beauty for the client and ease of management for the user. Despite the need for significant investments, the return is still high and swift. But to ensure the system’s efficiency, several criteria need to be considered:


Localization. Screens should be positioned in such a way that the user always sees them. Otherwise, the efficiency of the entire system is jeopardized. Thus, you cannot place systems where there’s just available space. This matter should be considered with special care.


Project Development. Digital Signage can be integrated into an existing infrastructure. It combines digital screens, which we discussed in detail in this article, cameras, and software into a vast system, where every element closely interacts with one another. When having such devices during the project development, their presence needs to be taken into account. A comprehensive approach promotes cost optimization and maximizing the project’s effect.


Content Relevance to Zone. At the entrances to the sales floor, for example, it’s better to show short clips—with promotions, interesting offers, and so on. Near the shelves with products, it’s recommended to place advertisements specifically for those items. Near the cash registers, it’s best to broadcast something entertaining.


Adapting Existing Content. The way of presenting advertising depends on the communication channel. For Digital Signage, it’s better to think of something concise and understandable, as it’s unlikely that the consumer will spend a long time reading the text.


Overall, omnichannel is becoming a trend. The more channels working for product or service promotion, the better. For instance, when visiting a cafe, a customer might be offered a menu tailored to their tastes and health status. It’s convenient to display information about products and other similar details on the screen.

Using Artificial Intelligence in conjunction with Digital Signage


Artificial intelligence can be entirely used in combination with Digital Signage to increase efficiency. It allows for the creation of advanced analytics systems that can also self-learn.


In the case of Digital Signage, artificial intelligence, first and foremost, will be able to better target the audience. The desired effect is achieved through facial recognition systems, gender, and emotions. Even ornaments worn by a person can influence. Such information, by the way, is collected without being tied to a specific individual.


Digital signs, controlled by artificial intelligence, will not only recognize biometric data but also remember people who have been in this place before. They will track their movements and compile statistics, based on which the business owner can draw conclusions and adjust the development programs of their business.


The content on the screen appears relevant: based on analysis and comparison of collected data, the system will decide which messages to show the consumer. The proposition he receives will be personalized, with the analysis being conducted very quickly.


Many companies are already actively using Digital Signage. For example, “Rive Gauche” uses our technology to optimize sales and reduce marketing costs. The network has adopted an innovative solution: there are “smart” cameras in the halls that watch what buyers do. They track where people specifically go, which shelves they pay attention to, and which content is most interesting to them. And then the information that will be of interest to this particular client appears on the screen.


In general, Digital Signage technologies noticeably simplify working surfaces. In the future, algorithms will become even more sensitive, taking into account the consumer’s preferences and the purchases he made earlier. Enhancing the recognition work in the future will significantly improve the service level: in the future, systems will be able to greet the client by name and offer him personalized suggestions.


There’s a probability that Digital Signage could be used instead of service staff. That is, communication with the consumer will occur using special screens, kiosks, tablets. And communication with staff will be minimized. Such things are already being tested in some countries. As an example, Amazon Go can be cited: “smart” screens are used for shopping, allowing purchases to be made quickly and without the help of assistants. A person just takes what they need, pays with the app, and leaves the store without stopping at the checkout. They may even be given hints about the best product.


What to expect from Digital Signage in the future


So, Digital Signage is a technology that will stay in trend for a long time. The future generation includes interactivity. The system will allow working with almost any approach: augmented reality, voice recognition, motion sensors, remote actions, gestures, and so on. This means that in the future, people will be able to interact with technology even more closely and effectively. And content will be generated uniquely for each consumer.


Additionally, Digital Signage will learn to better output decisions for more effective work with the target audience. Preferences and tastes will be taken into account more subtly. Artificial intelligence will be able to build scenarios that are relevant for a specific user, considering even his mood and health status, financial possibilities, and more.


From the said, it can be concluded that Digital Signage needs to be actively implemented in those sectors where the technology will be relevant. It allows creating not only vivid but also useful content that will ensure the influx of a new audience and its loyalty.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your tasks!

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