Transition of LED screens from passive to active communication in 2024

With the development of software for LED screens, LED screens have become an effective tool for active communication with users.

This allows for the creation of dynamic and interactive displays that engage the audience and increase the efficiency of message delivery.


The foundation for this is the LED software, which provides centralized management of video and other multimedia content. This software, specifically the centralized video management system, allows for controlling all aspects of screen operation from one center, significantly simplifying the management process. With its help, it is easy to change content, schedule its playback, and even obtain analytics on the effectiveness of the displays.


A Digital Signage player also plays an important role in the transition from passive to active communication. It allows for the playback of videos, images, and text messages in real time, ensuring interactivity and timely information delivery. Digital Signage management becomes even more convenient thanks to integration with various systems, allowing for remote control of screens regardless of their location.



The Digital Signage system offers comprehensive solutions for digital signage, including software for managing Digital Signage, which allows for creating and managing content on screens in real-time. It supports various file formats and provides flexibility in setting up displays. This enables adapting the content to the needs of a specific audience, enhancing its relevance and effectiveness.


This transformation promotes the widespread use of interactive LED screens, which can interact with different audiences using cameras and thematic content. Such interactive communications are mostly implemented in DOOH advertising but can also be applied in other fields, from commerce to education and healthcare.


For instance, in retail, digital signs can engage customers by providing them with up-to-date information about discounts, new products, or special offers. In educational institutions, interactive screens facilitate interactive learning by allowing teachers to present educational materials in a dynamic and engaging way.


In healthcare, Digital Signage management software is used to inform patients in waiting areas, provide instructions, and even show wellness videos. The digital signage system ensures flexibility in content changes, allowing for instant responses to changing situations and patient needs.



Moreover, interactive LED screens are becoming an integral part of public places, such as airports, train stations, and shopping centers. They are used to provide important information, navigation, and advertisements, ensuring convenience for visitors and increasing their awareness.



The development of LED screen software also contributes to improving safety and efficiency in industry and logistics. Centralized video management systems allow for controlling production processes, monitoring equipment conditions, and ensuring workplace safety. This enables quick responses to any deviations and improves overall production efficiency.


What are the structures


LED screens are installations that display graphic information using LEDs. The word “LED” is the name of the technology itself, which is used to broadcast content in video mode. The LEDs here are combined into clusters or matrices, which collectively form large screens.


The screens themselves are innovative modular-type structures consisting of three main components:


Pixels. These are the smallest components of the LED screen, which determine the image quality. The smaller the pixel pitch, the higher and better the contrast of the broadcast;


Modules – special boards equipped with LEDs;


Cabinet – several modules assembled into a whole. Separate power sources are used to power each of them. Together, several cabinets form a single large screen.


An LED screen is a stylish and advantageous solution for publishing video announcements, posters, and other information. Regardless of weather conditions and in any lighting, it brightly and clearly broadcasts the necessary information. Renting an LED screen will be a perfect choice for those who want to easily and dynamically showcase their services or products to consumers.


Relevance of LED screens and areas of application


The application scope of LED electronic screens is very wide due to their high informational capacity. Besides broadcasting advertisements, LED screens are used at large-scale political and social events, stadiums, as signage at the entrances of shopping centers, and other organizations.


Renting LED screens is a good solution for decorating venues for mass events. Information that is very important for city residents, such as weather, current exchange rates, and emergency news, can all be broadcasted by an LED display, which is a highly effective modern source of mass information.


Positive and negative qualities


LED-based electronic screens surpass traditional types of advertising media in many ways. Among the advantages are:


Uncompromising brightness. The clarity and expressiveness of images are maintained under all conditions: in direct sunlight, in the evening, under bright lighting, and in rainy weather;


Wide viewing angle. The broadcast information can be seen from up to 200 meters away, even at a large viewing angle;


Speaking of advantages, it is also worth noting the economic efficiency of the structures in terms of power consumption. Renting an LED screen will be beneficial for those who want to advertise their services, products, or provide other relevant information to consumers with minimal costs and high efficiency.


As for the disadvantages, these include the relatively high cost of the screens, and the fact that up close, they do not look as impressive as from a distance.

Characteristic properties of LED screens


Among the main features of LED screens, the following should be noted:


The screen surface is a kind of light source that functions as a modulator. This is their main difference from a projector or a videowall;


LED structures can be installed in any conditions: in high humidity, high air pollution, and constant noise;


LED screens play a significant role in modern life. They allow people to learn a wide variety of news, both advertising and informational.


Considering that an LED screen belongs to the category of expensive products, renting (the price in this case is much lower) is in greater demand compared to purchasing.




As with the manufacture of any fairly complex and not very cheap device, manufacturers of LED screens pay special attention to their reliability. Even compared to such reliable devices as videowalls, LED systems have an advantage because they do not have mechanical moving parts (videowalls have rotating color filters and the DLP chip itself has moving micromirrors) and do not have high-temperature and potentially explosive devices like lamps, so there is essentially nothing to break if it is already working.


However, the huge number of elements in the systems (the famous round LED wall in Times Square in New York contains 18 million LEDs) can potentially be a source of minor malfunctions. Therefore, screen designs provide for the possibility of removing faulty modules from the supporting structure, often without taking the rest of the modules out of operation.



The signal for LED screens is generated by a special controller. Controllers from different manufacturers vary greatly in their design philosophy. This can be a solution based on a personal computer or a hardware solution where the computer only performs an external control role and can be disconnected after setup.


The latter option is often regarded as more reliable and stable, does not require any additional actions to start after power-on, and is not prone to computer crashes at the most critical moment. The most advanced controllers can have multiple inputs capable of receiving signals in virtually all common computer and video formats, scaling, cropping them, creating multi-window images (picture-in-picture), and adjusting color and gamma.


Interactive LED screens are experiencing significant development, transforming traditional types of visual advertising into interactive platforms capable of engaging with consumers much more deeply than just displaying images. This is based on specialized software that not only manages content but also creates interactive elements such as touch functions, animations, and dynamic effects.


Centralized video management systems and players for Digital Signage play a key role in ensuring the functionality and efficiency of interactive LED screens. They allow for rapid content changes, adaptation to current needs, and response to dynamic changes in the environment or information flow.


Active communication through interactive LED screens opens up new opportunities for business and marketing. Now companies can not only display advertisements but also interact with the audience, gather feedback, provide additional information in real-time, and create personalized user experiences.


Thus, the transition of interactive LED screens from passive to active communication is an important stage in the evolution of digital advertising technologies. These devices not only improve the visual presentation of information but also actively interact with the audience, enhancing engagement and the effectiveness of communication strategies.


Advision — Content Management System for remote management and media planning of broadcast video and audio content. We help offline businesses and advertising companies automate workflows and implement a robust Digital Signage infrastructure using our proprietary software and hardware solutions.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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