Digital indoor advertising in European supermarkets in 2024

Digital indoor advertising in 2024: in the modern world of rapid product sales, various communication channels at points of sale are rapidly developing, and digital visual advertising is no exception. 

One of the most effective forms of modern visual digital advertising is digital indoor advertising, which is actively used in European supermarkets. This type of advertising includes the use of digital signage, indoor TV software, digital signage players, and indoor audio players to attract customers and boost sales.



What is indoor advertising?


Indoor advertising is advertising that is located inside a building: posters in the lobby, flyers in shopping malls, video and audio clips, and more. It is a familiar and noticeable type of marketing that is perceived as part of the landscape. In contrast, there is outdoor advertising, which is located outside and can also be either printed or digital.



How digital indoor works for business


Indoor advertising consists of those announcements that we read on banners or watch on screens in shopping centers while waiting in line. It includes those flyers we take from a stand to better familiarize ourselves with the products at home or on the go. We perceive indoor advertising as a given: it does not annoy or interfere. Let’s consider why this happens and how it works for business.



Digital screens software and digital signs systems play a crucial role in this process, allowing businesses to manage and control their advertising content effectively.Indoor TV players and indoor radio players are essential for showcasing and broadcasting promotional content, while digital screens solutions provide robust tools for content creation and management. Digital signs control ensures the timely delivery of precise messages, boosting customer engagement and driving sales.



Digital signs in supermarkets


Digital signage has become a cornerstone in the operations of many supermarkets. These systems are employed to display promotions, new products, special offers, and other valuable information. The primary components of a digital signs system include digital signs software, digital signs players, and indoor advertising screens. These elements facilitate swift and straightforward content updates, ensuring that the information presented is always current and appealing to shoppers.



Digital signage player


The digital signs player is crucial for rendering content on screens. These devices support a variety of media formats and guarantee the uninterrupted playback of high-quality content. Furthermore, digital signs players come equipped with remote control capabilities, allowing for effortless content modifications to meet the supermarket’s dynamic requirements.


In essence, indoor TV players and indoor audio players enrich the advertising landscape within supermarkets, while advanced digital screens solutions offer a seamless blend of content management and control. This integration not only captures the attention of shoppers but also enhances their overall shopping experience by providing timely and relevant information.



Indoor TV software and players can also be integrated into the digital screens system to enhance the advertising experience. Indoor radio players and indoor audio players add an audio component to the digital signage, providing a comprehensive digital advertising solution. Digital signs control ensures that the right content is displayed at the right time, further enhancing customer engagement and driving sales.

Indoor TV and audio advertising


Indoor TV and the indoor TV player have become popular solutions for supermarkets. They allow for the broadcasting of advertisements, news, and other information, capturing shoppers’ attention during their purchases. Indoor TV systems, supported by indoor TV software, provide a high level of customer interaction, creating a positive impression of the shopping experience.


The indoor radio player and indoor audio player are also used to create a comfortable atmosphere in supermarkets. They broadcast music, advertisements, and announcements, improving shoppers’ mood and increasing their loyalty to the store.


Versatile indoor media


– Static advertising: All POS (point of sale) structures are informational constructions located in stores. This format of indoor advertising is suitable for an interested audience that can get a closer look at the product and learn about a new brand.



– Digital advertising: The use of digital signs and indoor TV is an effective way to attract shoppers’ attention. Digital screens software allows for easy content updates, keeping it relevant. Digital signs players and indoor TV players ensure continuous playback of high-quality content, while digital signs control systems enable remote management of changes.



– Audio advertising: Indoor radio players and indoor audio players are used to create a comfortable atmosphere in supermarkets. They broadcast music, advertisements, and announcements, contributing to an improved shopper mood and increased store loyalty.



These digital signs solutions, including a comprehensive digital screens system, integrate various digital signs components to optimize advertising efforts and enhance customer engagement.

Innovations and targeting in indoor advertising


Innovations in the field of digital indoor advertising allow European supermarkets to significantly enhance the effectiveness of their marketing campaigns. One of the key advantages is the ability to target, i.e., customize advertisements according to the characteristics and interests of specific groups of shoppers. This ensures a more personalized approach and increases the chances of successfully engaging customers.


Personalized offers


Thanks to modern technologies such as Big Data analysis and artificial intelligence (AI), supermarkets can analyze shopper behavior and create personalized advertising messages. For example, the digital signs system can track customer purchases through loyalty programs, identify their preferences, and automatically adjust advertisements based on this data. This allows the digital signs software to display the products and promotions that most interest the individual shopper.


Interactive screens


Interactive screens have become another innovation in indoor advertising. They allow customers to interact with the advertising content, making the shopping process more engaging and appealing. For instance, indoor advertising screens can offer customers the option to scan QR codes for additional product information or to participate in promotions. This not only increases customer engagement but also enables the collection of data on their preferences and behavior.


Digital signs players, indoor TV players, and indoor radio players play crucial roles in delivering this content. Digital signs control systems help manage and update content in real-time, ensuring relevance and attractiveness. The integration of indoor TV software with these digital signs solutions further enhances the overall customer experience. Additionally, indoor audio players contribute to creating a pleasant atmosphere by broadcasting music and announcements, further increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.


Localized advertising


Localized advertising is another important aspect of targeting. By using data about shoppers’ locations, supermarkets can display advertisements that are tailored to a specific region or even a particular store. This allows for consideration of local demand characteristics and offers relevant products and services.


Analytics and feedback


Modern digital signs systems are equipped with powerful analytical tools that allow tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in real-time. They can analyze the number of views, interaction time with the content, audience reactions, and other metrics. This enables quick adjustments to the strategy and increases advertising effectiveness. Digital screens control and digital signs software play a crucial role in this process.


Integration with mobile apps


Integrating indoor advertising with mobile apps opens up new possibilities for targeting. Supermarkets can send special offers and messages directly to shoppers’ smartphones when they are in the store. This not only draws attention to promotions and new products but also creates interactive campaigns, such as games or prize draws. Digital signs solutions facilitate this integration, enhancing the overall customer experience.


Digital signs players, indoor TV players, and indoor radio players are essential components in delivering this localized and interactive content. Indoor advertising screens and indoor TV software ensure that the content is displayed effectively. Additionally, indoor audio players contribute to a pleasant shopping atmosphere by broadcasting music and announcements, further boosting customer satisfaction and loyalty.



Using augmented reality (AR)


Augmented Reality (AR) is an innovative technology that is also being applied in indoor advertising. With AR, shoppers can view additional product information simply by pointing their smartphone camera at an item. This creates an engaging user experience and provides more detailed information than traditional advertising methods.


It is undeniable that digital indoor advertising in European supermarkets serves as a powerful catalyst for increasing sales and drawing in shoppers. The implementation of digital signage, indoor TV, and audio advertising facilitates the creation of captivating and relevant content, which can be effortlessly updated and managed with cutting-edge digital signs software. By investing in digital signag solutions, supermarkets can profoundly elevate their marketing strategies and deliver exceptional customer service.



Digital signs systems


Supported by advanced digital signs players, these systems ensure the flawless delivery and control of content. Indoor TV software and indoor TV players enrich the visual experience, while indoor advertising screens adeptly showcase promotional materials. Moreover, indoor radio players and indoor audio players infuse an auditory dimension into the advertising mix, crafting a holistic digital signs system that captivates customers through multiple sensory channels. This multifaceted approach not only grabs shoppers’ attention but also enhances their overall shopping experience, driving customer loyalty and satisfaction.

Advision — Content Management System for remote management and media planning of broadcast video and audio content. We help offline businesses and advertising companies automate workflows and implement a robust Digital Screens infrastructure using our proprietary software and hardware solutions.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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