Creating a DOOH advertising business using LED screens and CMS in 2024

Digital Out Of Home - DOOH advertising is one of the most effective brand promotion tools in the modern world.

It allows capturing the audience’s attention on the streets, in shopping malls, airports, and other public places. One of the most popular ways to implement DOOH advertising is by using LED screens.


Key components of the DOOH advertising business:


1. LED screens for advertising:


   Using LED screens enables creating bright, clear, and attractive images that grab the attention of passersby even in bright daylight. LED screens can be placed in strategic locations within a city, where a large number of people ensure the maximum effectiveness of the advertising.


2. DOOH software:


   Effective software for managing content on screens is a necessary component of DOOH business. It allows planning, placing, and tracking the effectiveness of advertising campaigns in real-time. Modern DOOH solutions include centralized video management systems that allow controlling content on screens from a single central point.


3. DOOH Networks:


   Establishing DOOH networks is an effective way to scale the business and attract more clients. They allow advertisers to reach a larger audience, covering different locations and audiences with various interests.


Advantages of using DOOH advertising:


– Wide audience reach: DOOH advertising allows reaching a large number of people in different locations and times.


– Flexibility and scalability: Businesses can easily change and adapt advertising campaigns based on audience needs and reactions.


– High effectiveness: DOOH advertising can capture attention and have a positive impact on consumers, increasing brand awareness and sales.


Creating a DOOH advertising business using LED screens and suitable software can be a profitable investment for entrepreneurs seeking new opportunities in the advertising industry.


How to monetize a digital screen with programmatic?


Billboards have been used since the 1830s, and little has changed since their inception to the present day. However, over the past 10 years, we have witnessed fundamental changes in both technologies and the interaction between advertisers and operators. Buying advertising time for placements on carriers and publishing messages can be done programmatically, and this is the future of out-of-home advertising.


DOOH software, digital out-of-home advertising, is an automated process of buying and selling spaces on digital outdoor carriers, such as media facades, monitors at gas stations and stores, at public transport stops, and others that the audience sees while moving around the city during the day.


Why is the digitization of outdoor advertising necessary?


Digitization goals:


– Reduce business costs;


– Increase work productivity;


– Reduce time for routine tasks;


– Automate processes;


– Create new ways to sell goods and services.


In outdoor advertising, the digitization process began with the use of Excel. Thus, this office program is also considered an example of the implementation of digital technologies. The situation continued with the emergence on the market of new products developed specifically for operators and advertisers. As a result, the cost of reaching the audience decreased, it became easier to find and book the necessary space. In addition, new opportunities opened up for building an advertising campaign taking into account psychographic and demographic data about the audience, travel histories in the city, and behavioral factors.


It is clear that neither Excel nor 1C provides such capabilities. But advertisers, under equal conditions, will choose the operator with whom it is easier and faster to work. This means that digitization in outdoor advertising is beneficial for both sides: those who sell spaces and those who order.


Advantages of using LED screens in digital out of home (DOOH) and video advertising:


Due to the large screen size, promotional campaigns look stylish and unconventional, appreciated by both information enthusiasts and regular consumers. A large luminous object attracts attention from a distance, making it ideal for conveying video information. The main thing is to subtly convey the necessary information to the audience, leaving the key facts about the advertised product in their memory.


It is worth noting the high reliability of such equipment. The screens are not damaged by moisture, dust, or sharp temperature fluctuations. All details and connections are reliably protected from negative factors, unlike traditional posters and billboards, which quickly lose their initial qualities and require constant replacement.


LED devices are economical and have a quick payback period, requiring no constant replacement. Various clips can be played on the same screen. A high level of daily viewing income guarantees the return of the investment in less than six months. Do not be afraid that you have made a large investment in vain.


Advertising prospects, sports competitions, concerts, and festive events are equally well demonstrated on LED screens. They can be installed on streets, in large and small premises. They are easy to install and dismantle, so they can be conveniently moved to the desired location.


LED screens are an innovative solution within Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) advertising. They are used to promote goods and services and provide unparalleled advantages compared to standard advertising tools such as billboards or posters.


Advertising on LED screens can attract the attention of a wider audience, leading to increased business revenue in any industry. Bright images attract attention and generate interest in the offered products, leaving passersby not indifferent.


Bright and clear images can captivate and focus the attention of even indifferent passersby. LED screens look impressive in the dark, creating a positive mood even in adverse weather conditions. Moreover, viewers not only observe the development of the clip but also inadvertently study the content of the advertising campaign. This is especially relevant in cases where one has to spend a long time at a bus stop, railway station, or airport.


The use of LED screens in DOOH advertising opens up broad possibilities for attracting audience attention. Their high image quality and brightness make advertising messages more attractive and effective.


Additionally, DOOH software provides centralized management of video content on all screens within the network. This allows for quick changes and adaptations of advertising messages depending on current needs and circumstances.


DOOH Display Solutions are used not only for advertising goods and services but also for informing the public about current events, entertainment, or political campaigns. Their flexibility and versatility make them a valuable tool for communicating with the audience anytime and anywhere.


Therefore, the use of LED screens and DOOH advertising software is an effective way to capture attention and communicate with the audience, leading to high campaign efficiency.


Advision is used for DOOH advertising networks, digital audio-visual projects for points of sale (retail), in the fast food industry for digital menus and corporate TV in offices, or medical and educational institutions. It is possible to develop software functions to implement the client’s business processes.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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