8 advantages of DOOH advertising (Digital out‑of‑home)

DOOH Advertising and the power of digital mediums cannot be underestimated amid the evolving advertising landscape.    

DOOH Advertising is Digital Exterior Promotion

Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH), often termed “digital exterior promotion,” serves as an efficient strategy to capture the gaze of numerous potential consumers towards promotional endeavors. This mode of advertisement holds a more captivating allure compared to conventional paper billboards. We shall further explore the reasons making digital exterior promotion superior to other promotional mechanisms, highlighting the unique attributes and advantages of DOOH Advertising. Key components of this avenue include DOOH networks and media facades tailored for shopping precincts.


Understanding Digital Exterior Promotion


At its core, DOOH Advertising involves broadcasting promotional content (such as videos, graphics, textual matter, and sound) on digital displays situated in high pedestrian traffic zones (like streets, retail outlets, malls, drugstores, accommodations, and so on). There’s a plethora of display modalities to relay creative content – ranging from billboards, supersites, and LED panels to interactive stands, TVs, tablets, and even digital menu showcases in eateries.


Principal Attributes of Digital Exterior Promotion:


– Positioning in high-density regions amplifies the advertisement’s outreach.


– Tailoring content based on locale, temporal factors, and demographic.


– Options to pick displays of varying dimensions ensuring visibility even from extended ranges.


– Augmenting brand recall.


– Diminishing expenses linked to refreshing promotional resources.


DOOH’s Significance to Enterprises and Patrons


More than just showcasing visuals, DOOH Advertising  presents consumers with tailored appealing content and an interactive voyage, paving the way for an engaging interplay with the promotional content. For corporate entities, DOOH unveils avenues for enhanced promotional strategies, reaching their desired demographic, broadening the expanse of promotional endeavors, and escalating sales metrics.


In contrast to digital ads, exterior promotions are less obtrusive, and it’s infeasible to “omit” or “toggle.” Consequently, viewers are bound to register the promotional narratives from firms, fostering an affinity with the brand ethos.


Digital exterior promotion stands as a multifaceted and adaptable asset. With DOOH Advertising, enterprises have the agility to pivot based on real-time events, given the ease to refresh content and relay novel narratives instantly. Furthermore, DOOH Advertising  grants businesses the discretion to pinpoint the optimal venue and temporal window to showcase specific narratives, optimizing promotional efficiency in sync with prevailing circumstances. In addition, expansive LED displays and digital insignias are paramount in augmenting the visibility and engagement quotient in DOOH initiatives.


Difference between DOOH Advertising  and traditional billboard advertising


Digital outdoor advertising attracts more attention than printed static images. Thanks to modern digital technologies, the target audience can interact with content on screens, which in turn simplifies service processes and improves the customer experience. Advertisers can target users based on location, behavior, or other criteria to broadcast personalized offers.


The digital display can have an integrated camera, which allows the Digital Signage system to collect important data, such as the number of passers-by who viewed the content, as well as analyze the quality of traffic: viewers’ reactions to the shown advertisement. Are people looking at the advertising billboard? What emotions does the advertisement provoke? Such information is crucial for determining accessibility and the effectiveness of content impact, which is impossible to implement in traditional outdoor advertising. Moreover, the use of DOOH Advertising enables managing screens more efficiently, facilitates flexible media planning for screen schedules, and provides detailed screen playback reports.


What is Programmatic Digital-Out-Of-Home


Programmatic digital out-of-home (programmatic DOOH or pDOOH) refers to the automated purchase, sale, and delivery of advertising on digital screens.


In programmatic DOOH Advertising, the inventory purchase, sale, and delivery of advertising content are automated similarly to how it’s done with online advertising. PDOOH allows marketers to set triggers and target audience parameters, upload creatives, set budgets, and other criteria. Then, when all conditions are met, the creatives are activated at the required moments.


Advantages of programmatic DOOH Advertising:

1. The ability to use a single system for DOOH purchases.


2. Absence of commitments that may arise when working with individual media owners.


3. Comprehensive assessment of DOOH campaigns and expense optimization based on obtained data.


4. Flexibility that allows for necessary adjustments and timely reactions to changing events.


5. Redistribution of media budgets depending on geographic location, type of inventory, or other targeting strategies without the need for signing new contracts.


The player for digital signs – software for DOOH Advertising (CMS for content management) plays a crucial role in executing DOOH campaigns through programmatic, ensuring quality display of advertising materials and managing them.


Targeting in DOOH Advertising


In the past, marketers made decisions about content placement based solely on geographical factors, such as within specific postal codes or stores. However, thanks to data-driven technologies, brands can now leverage consumer movement patterns to make more informed decisions.


While it’s impossible to precisely target ads at individual people since the communication model in DOOH Advertising is “one-to-many”, programmatic, by analyzing behavioral tendencies, still allows making advertisements relevant by displaying them at the time and place where, even if not specific individuals, the target group is more likely to be present.


Some of the additional parameters for targeting include:


– Geo-targeting

Focusing on specific districts and regions depending on the relevance of the advertising campaign for chosen locations.


– Mobile Data

Retargeting consumers who were influenced by DOOH ads on mobile devices to amplify the campaign’s impact.


– Time

Targeting based on the day of the week or time of day.


–  Weather Triggers

Allowing customization and display of advertising messages depending on weather conditions.


Furthermore, with advancements in technology, cloud-based digital signage has opened up even more possibilities. This platform offers centralized management, real-time updates, and integration with various data sources, providing even more precision and flexibility in targeting strategies for marketers.


Types of DOOH Advertising


Some of the variations of screens for digital outdoor advertising:


– Indoor digital panels (LCD displays with high resolution meant for advertising viewed from a short distance from the audience. Typically placed in shopping malls or supermarkets.)


– Digital billboards (featuring high-resolution panels, usually located on the busiest highways and streets.)


– Media facades (large-scale LED displays that are organically mounted onto building facades).


Wide-format displays – digital billboards and supersites located alongside highways, screens on high-footfall streets, as well as displays at bus stops and sidewalks. Such signs are best viewed by drivers and pedestrians. As a result, brands enhance the reach of advertising campaigns, increasing awareness of a product or service.


Indoor media – these mediums are placed in shopping centers, gyms, offices, at gas stations, in restaurants, universities, etc. Such contextually relevant locations allow brands and marketers to engage with target audiences in everyday environments and offer relevant content.


Screens at point of purchase – these are local displays, the location of which is determined by their proximity to the buying points. They are installed at checkout areas and among the shelves of retail stores, liquor stores, pharmacies, etc. The effectiveness of the promotions broadcasted right before a purchase is high, as the advertisement influences a person who’s ready to buy here and now.


Advantages of Digital Outdoor Advertising


Digital outdoor advertising has several benefits that are advantageous for companies: for instance, updating information in real-time and, as a result, quickly addressing various target groups with the most relevant messages. The merits of DOOH Advertising stem from its main feature – the combination of offline and online promotion.


Let’s highlight and look in detail at seven advantages of digital outdoor advertising:


1. Economy

When using digital displays, companies are freed from regular expenses on printing advertising materials. Companies save a significant amount of time and money, which would have been spent on regularly updating printed advertising creatives.


2. Visibility

Digital screens remove concerns about image quality since they are designed to operate in any weather conditions, whether it be bright sun, fog, or blizzard.


3. Measuring Effectiveness

Thanks to digital displays equipped with cameras with facial and motion recognition features, it becomes possible to more accurately measure the effectiveness of DOOH Advertising campaigns. Advertisers can now determine how often and how long viewers looked at a specific message. This provides insights into interaction, people’s interest in the content, and improves understanding of the connection between the number of ad views and conversion growth.


4. Attention

Digital advertising is much harder to ignore due to its brightness and dynamism. By placing content on digital displays, brands can be assured that the content will not only be seen but will also retain the audience’s attention much longer.


5. Updates

One of the disadvantages of traditional advertising materials is that any necessary changes in the advertisement must be reprinted and reinstalled on the billboard. With digital advertising, changes are made in a matter of seconds.


6. Coverage

Digital outdoor advertising is typically located along the busiest streets, highways, as well as in the most trafficked places indoors, allowing it to reach a large audience. Using DOOH Advertising to broadcast entertainment and educational content in places like airports or transportation hubs where people just kill time can become a powerful way of building a relationship with the brand.


7. Safety and Anonymity

Criteria used for targeting in digital outdoor advertising often are based on location and time. This allows viewers to receive relevant ads without crossing the boundary of intrusion, which users often worry about with online advertising. For more precise personalization, demographic and behavioral characteristics are collected. However, the data is anonymized, and the systems do not store images or videos of specific individuals.


8. Control of Screens

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If this did not convince you, here is an additional list of advantages of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH): 


As the world propels forward with technological advancements, traditional advertising methods are undergoing transformative changes. One such change is the evolution of out-of-home advertising, which has been enriched and modernized with the integration of digital capabilities. Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising is leading the way, offering an array of advantages over its traditional counterpart. As an expert in the realm of outdoor advertising, I’d like to share the following insights about the undeniable benefits of DOOH Advertising:


1. Dynamic Content Delivery:

Unlike static billboards that present a fixed message, DOOH Advertising  allows advertisers to change their content in real-time. Whether it’s showcasing a different product each day, highlighting a flash sale, or updating the audience on current events, the flexibility is unparalleled.


2. Real-time Analytics:

DOOH Advertising is equipped with advanced analytics capabilities, making it easier to gauge campaign performance instantly. Metrics like impressions, engagement rate, and even certain demographic information can be collected, enabling advertisers to tweak their campaigns for better results.


3. Economic Efficiency:

Although the initial setup for DOOH Advertising might be a significant investment, it offers long-term cost savings. With DOOH, there’s no need to physically reprint and reinstall billboards for every campaign change, saving both time and money.


4. Environmental Considerations:

In a world growing increasingly conscious about environmental sustainability, DOOH Advertising provides a green alternative. There’s a reduction in paper and printing materials, leading to a smaller carbon footprint.


5. Weather and Time Specific Advertising:

Imagine promoting umbrellas during unexpected rain or advertising a local cafe’s happy hour just as it starts. DOOH’s real-time adaptability can be utilized to match environmental factors or specific times of day, making advertising more relevant and timely.


6. Enhanced Engagement:

With the incorporation of vibrant visuals, videos, and even interactive features, DOOH Advertising can capture and retain the attention of passersby much more effectively than static billboards.


7. Integration with Other Digital Platforms:

DOOH Advertising can be seamlessly integrated with other digital platforms like social media, mobile apps, and websites. QR codes displayed on digital boards can lead viewers to an app download, a promotional website, or even a social media contest.


8. Safety and Compliance:

Given that content can be updated remotely, DOOH Advertising ensures that any content not in compliance with regulations or brand guidelines can be corrected immediately. This instant rectification isn’t possible with traditional boards.


In conclusion, DOOH Advertising represents the future of out-of-home advertising. It’s not merely about digitalizing billboards; it’s about maximizing the potential of public advertising spaces, making them more interactive, relevant, and efficient. As brands and businesses aim to make more meaningful connections in today’s digital age, embracing DOOH will undoubtedly be a pivotal strategy in their marketing arsenals.




DOOH Advertising is a new approach to classic outdoor advertising, in which billboards and signs are supplemented with features that take brand interaction with consumers to a new level. Thanks to digital outdoor advertising, companies reach target audiences wherever they are, overcome the distance to consumers inaccessible online, and enhance brand recognition among the widest range of viewers.


The rapid development of digital innovations leads to the emergence of new formats and options in outdoor advertising, increasing the effectiveness of the advertiser’s communication with the audience. In the future, DOOH will continue to drive the success of outdoor media, combining traditional methods with modern technologies.


Advision is a leading software development company specializing in cloud solutions for managing advertising content in the largest DOOH networks. Thanks to innovations and a professional approach to client service, the company ranks among the top 100 AdTech & MarTech startups in Ukraine and holds 40% of the market share of connected advertising devices in Ukraine.


Try Advision’s DOOH software for your advertising screens for free.

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