Audio advertising – audio accompaniment and system for broadcasting 

The modern advertising environment is overly saturated with various offers. One has to constantly seek ways to reach clients. Audio advertising is one such option.

Audio accompaniment allows overcoming the information noise, so this direction deserves special attention. It is especially convenient for those who work with an active target audience that is constantly on the move: the consumer can be online, but not looking at the screen of their device. In this case, it’s best to convey the necessary information through sound. Very often, it is also combined with on-screen advertising, allowing for better results.


Features of the format


The most vivid example of audio accompaniment is audio advertising (Digital audio advertising) — announcements that are broadcasted on the radio. But also, with each year on the internet, more and more services are implementing this format. For example, offers are often streamed during live video clips. A pre-made recording is distributed along with content that contains an audio line.


You can create clips for various target audiences, selecting appropriate texts and scripts. A distinguishing feature is the emotionality of the advertisement. It can be supplemented with music, involve interesting characters, and personally address the people. The necessary effect from it is achieved only with a large number of rotations, as there is no visual reinforcement. (How it works?)


According to statistics gathered by specialists, over 70% of listeners pay attention to online audio advertising. At the same time, 80% of people are willing to get acquainted with it in more detail if they are given free access to content for some time. Of course, to achieve such results, it is necessary to clearly consider the audience’s profile.


In any case, the demand for this format is actively growing, as well as its profitability. For instance, according to the assessment of the All-Ukrainian Advertising Coalition (VRK), approximately 333 million hryvnias were spent on radio advertising in Ukraine in 2022. The anticipated growth in 2023 will be 67%.


It’s worth mentioning separately that audio advertising Digital audio advertising forms the content that could not have been conveyed in another way. High-quality advertising text, supplemented with sound effects, will indeed spark interest in the potential consumer, giving them the necessary mood. The percentage of listening is high since the announcement cannot be fast-forwarded.


The format also covers a broad target audience. Of course, certain peculiarities should be considered. For example, if you need to interest people who prefer to sit at home, it’s recommended to place advertising in podcasts. If on the street — music streaming will be optimal.


The targeting possibilities of the format are broad. In this case, the audience is divided by the following characteristics:


– geographical location – to track the region suitable for a business targeting a specific place;


– social status and level of wages;


– demography;


– features of professional activity.


With the proper consideration of all these factors, the effectiveness of the advertising campaign will be very high.


How the consumer perceives the advertisement


Of course, the audio format of advertising is perceived somewhat differently than visual or any other. Key features include the following points:


– absence of forming a visual image of the object being promoted by the advertiser;


– involvement of a significantly smaller amount of audience;


– peaks of listener activity may last longer than consumers of other types of advertising.


Taking these peculiarities into account is very important in order to properly plan the promotion of a product or service. For example, if it’s necessary to talk about a mass consumption item suitable for residents of all regions of the country, audio advertising will cope well with its tasks. Unobtrusive messages will attract the audience’s attention, tell them about the features of the product. You can produce several clips for different people, developing each script separately.


It should be noted that advertising has one significant drawback – it cannot tell about products that are better seen once. Moreover, it is important that a large part of the people are visuals. Only 10% of the population perceives information by hearing well.


Types of presenting advertising


Audio advertising is presented in different ways. There are four main types, each with its own peculiarities. For example, direct advertising involves the narrator addressing the listener directly. It talks about the main advantages of a product or service.


The success of the appeal depends solely on how sincerely the text is read. One must take into account vocabulary, rhythm, and syntax. The main advantage is its cheapness, but it’s impossible to add additional attractive effects. By the way, a frequent variation of such advertising is a two-voice announcement. In this way, the message will resemble news and will generate more interest.


The second type is a dialogue of the narrator with another person or several people. There can also simply be a conversation without the participation of the first. Most often, the narrator communicates with a buyer or an expert involved in the production of the product. The effect of such advertising depends on how convincing and sincere the conversation is. But one should be careful with this format, as incorrect application can cause a reverse effect.


The third type is dramatization. It involves playing out a scene from life. The problem that the product solves must be real. In this case, professional actors are involved, separate music is written, and sound effects are invented. The cost will be higher since it’s necessary to rehearse the scene repeatedly, bringing it to perfection.


Musical advertising is the last type. It distinguishes products and services among many others. It’s pleasant to the ear, memorizes well, especially if a person hears it several times. Many songs are composed separately for each product. It’s important that the words are palpable and understandable, otherwise, listeners simply won’t remember them.


It should be noted that audio advertising can be combined with other formats to achieve better results. For example, with digital variations. Then the effect of the entire campaign will be better.


Important components of audio accompaniment


Audio accompaniment consists of certain components, on which the perception of the consumer depends, as well as the effectiveness of the campaign. Authors of texts create necessary images in clients using the following components:


– words;


– sound;


– music.


Music is the strongest means of all possible. It captures the attention of the listener and awakens certain emotions in them. It is called a universal language, which sometimes is understood even without additional words. Music evokes various emotions. An advertisement usually lasts about 10 seconds to be remembered.


Words represent the main “building blocks” of effective advertising. They are used to describe a product or service, attract attention, and elicit feedback from listeners. The narrator must be able to manage their voice correctly so that the audience pays attention to his words.


Sound effects are of great importance. They should be simple and at the same time recognizable. That is, the advertiser should not need additional explanations for them. With the help of additional sounds, one can emphasize content and make accents.


After composing the script, it is necessary to answer the following important questions:


1. Are only the moments identified by marketing research as the most necessary anticipated in the advertisement texts?


2. Does the text correspond to reality?


3. Will the language be clear to the target audience?


4. Are there unclear terms or jargon in the text that are only accessible to professionals?


Only after this can one proceed to recording the actual audio advertisement. It should take place in professional studios. The quality of the clip is decisive.


Available formats


There are several formats of audio accompaniment. It is necessary to study them before contemplating a script for promoting a product. The most popular ones are listed below:


1. In-Stream. Creatives of this format are processed by the platform in the same way as video creatives. They naturally differ in that they lack a picture. The main advantage is the readiness of listeners to perform the target action if they are interested in the proposal. This can be a transition to a store or a website page. Attention is drawn by the banner-companion — this is an interactive element located on the device screen at the start of broadcasting. 


2. Pre-roll. The recording will be broadcast directly before the content. It addresses coverage goals and attracts a new target audience. Suitable for businesses of any scale and profile.


3. Mid-roll. Content is presented during breaks, without interruptions. For example, between switching music tracks. It increases conversion and the number of transitions. The main advantage lies in the absence of advertising noise and accidental overlaps with competitors. The format also allows adding a banner with the necessary link. It should be noted that such a clip rarely causes irritation, especially if the advertisement is presented too often.


There are also audio clips with voice responses. The user can voice respond to the advertisement, gaining a new interaction experience. Usually, the advertisement does not last more than 10 seconds. If there is a positive voice response, the next part of the clip with more information about the product, discounts, etc., is launched. However, if a person does not want to continue acquaintance with the product or service, they are simply thanked for listening and returned to the original content.


How to get the most benefit from audio accompaniment


The maximum benefit from audio advertising can be extracted only with the correct approach to the matter. For the best results, it’s recommended to use the following tips:


1. Use quality equipment and software for audioaccompaniment when creating a project.


2. Understand at which stage of the sale the matter is. For example, the In-Stream format is suitable for solving top-level tasks. This helps make the brand recognizable and increases the number of interested audience. At the middle level of the sales funnel, a banner-companion and audio advertisement with a voice response are used. This will positively affect the conversion.


3. Define the target audience. It’s very important to compile portraits of potential consumers, highlight their age, social statuses, interests, and more. Based on this, it’s necessary to create an advertising clip.


4. Find out where exactly the audience consumes audio content. For example, students listen to music while traveling to study; some people like to accompany jogging with it. There’s content that is better perceived at home, and there’s content that’s more convenient to study on the go.


5. Take into account requirements. The clip should not cause a negative reaction from the user. The text should be easily perceived by ear. It’s not recommended to make the advertisement too long.


6. Remember the importance of sound quality. Users will prefer advertising with pleasant background music and humor. If possible, it’s worth involving celebrities in promoting a product or service. This will increase recognition.


7. It’s best to start with a low rate. The rate recommended by the platform, for example, is better divided in half. This will help select the optimal budget.


8. Always monitor statistics. Based on the data obtained, the campaign can be adjusted so that the target audience is definitely interested.


9. Take into account the interests of the audience. For example, street-style clothing stores target those who listen to rap.


10. Test geolocation. It’s recommended to look at the results for specific addresses: gyms, fitness clubs, and other places where music is often listened to, for example.


Taking into account all the recommendations will enhance the productivity of the chosen strategy. Also, some individual parameters can have an influence.


Advantages of audio advertising


Audio advertising has enough advantages that are attractive to clients. It stands out among other formats primarily due to the fact that it’s convenient to place on various platforms, as well as to combine with other options. For instance, audio advertising is often combined with on-screen announcements. Companies often offer to add sound inserts between current images — some offers, and sometimes just pleasant background music.


A pleasant bonus is a loyal audience. It’s easy to interest them, and with a properly composed advertising script, they will visit the client’s store. Of course, one should choose announcements depending on what content a person consumes.


It’s worth mentioning the cost separately. Audio advertising is cheaper than many popular formats. Therefore, this promotion method can be used by small companies that are not yet able to invest large sums in campaigns.


There’s also such an interesting advantage as timeliness. It takes less time to produce a clip than to create a full-fledged visual layout. Especially if the client has a clear idea of what they need. The audio format can help solve some urgent task — to inform about a promotion, invite to a concert, or presentation.


Certainly, the diversity of forms is also considered an advantage of audio advertising. You can use a short dialogue, recommendation, or even a memorable song. The client is not limited by anything; a creative approach is even encouraged since such an offer is better remembered by listeners.


There’s also the effect of individualization. Audio advertising has a strong emotional impact precisely because it lacks a visual sequence. The listener processes it through their imagination. Therefore, it seems to him that the message was delivered directly to him. Also, it cannot be blocked like banners with images.


Perspectives of audio communication


The prospects of audio advertising are very attractive for clients. This format performs well on various platforms and venues. Sound is everywhere — in buses, subways, small shops. And in shopping centers, there are also large screens where, between images, you can insert an advertisement.


A person gives all their attention to listening to the clip and cannot rewind it. The specifics of the format allow studying the number of listens, their percentage, change in sound volume, and so on.


In conclusion, it can be said that audio advertising is a relevant format today, which helps to effectively interact with users. It allows creating individualized clips that will attract attention and arouse interest in the promoted product.


If you combine it with screen advertising, it will show itself most effectively. Since it’s impossible to skip, a person will definitely get acquainted with it in more detail, learning more about the offered product or service. And if it interests him, he will perform the target action.


If you plan to implement an audiovisual project screen advertising for internal communication or to attract the attention of your clients, you can always contact us for a consultation or just for friendly advice.

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