Audio advertising: Features of information and advertising delivery in 2024

Audio advertising is a type of advertisement that consists of an audio clip played without visual imagery, both online and offline.

In the first case, this refers to podcasts, various streams, and radio, while in the second case, it pertains to commercial spaces and places with large crowds. For audio advertising to achieve its goal, it is important to carefully select the sound, text, and music. Otherwise, the advertising audio clip will not have the desired effect. Let’s take a closer look at the advantages of using this type of advertisement, its main varieties, and the specifics of its creation.



Genres of audio advertising


Nowadays, you can order numerous genres of audio advertising. Here is a list of the most in-demand:


– Radio advertising: This is a kind of mini-performance. Often, humorous or everyday scenes are acted out. These are usually accompanied by musical background. The production is carried out according to a pre-prepared script.


– Radio reportage: This is a recording made on behalf of a journalist who was at the scene, for example, at the opening of a shopping center or at a sports event. The narration may be accompanied by comments from surrounding people.


– Radio magazine: This type of advertisement has a narrative character. The main task is to convey specific information about a product or service to the consumer.


– Announcement: This is a small clip voiced by an announcer. No music, scenes, or reportage are used here. The only tool is the voice.


– Hit songs: This type of audio advertisement is most often used by radio stations, featuring popular songs by well-known artists.


– Radio contest: In this genre, listeners are invited to complete a task or take an action, after which they receive a prize. Incidentally, this type of advertisement is popular. Who wouldn’t want to receive a small, but pleasant gift?


– Radio game: Similar to the previous genre. It may be directly or indirectly related to the advertised product.


– Call to action: This is a short company slogan that is broadcast at regular intervals.


Another genre is interview. This is straightforward. The host talks with an expert who discusses the advertised product or service, its advantages and disadvantages, and its differences from competitors.


Types of audio advertising delivery


Most of us perceive audio content as background music or sound accompaniment and often pay no attention to it. But! If the advertisement is interesting, the information presented in it is sure to be retained in the subconscious, especially in cases where it is repeated multiple times. Audio advertising in poetic and song forms are also memorable, with many people even starting to sing along.


Currently, there are four main types of audio advertising delivery in the media space, where high-quality audio production is crucial. Each has its own features, advantages, and disadvantages.



Live broadcast


This type involves a direct address by the announcer to the listeners. The announcer talks about the features, pros, and cons of a particular product or service. The only tools used to capture attention are the announcer’s voice and intonation, which can be played through an indoor audio player.


When creating an audio clip, the announcer needs to record a pre-prepared text in the studio. This should be done as naturally as possible, but with clarity and emotion. The quality of the recording significantly influences how listeners will react to it.


If you choose this type of advertisement delivery, find a good announcer and write a well-crafted script. It doesn’t matter what you’re advertising. It could be a store, a specific product, hairdressing, or construction services. There are hundreds of options. In any case, pay attention to the vocabulary, syntax, and rhythm, and ensure a reliable centralized audio management system for effective playback of the clips.


The main advantage of direct advertising delivery is its low cost, while the disadvantage is its limited effectiveness due to the lack of additional attention-grabbing methods. However, this drawback can be mitigated, for example, by recording the audio clip with two voices and using appropriate audio production.



This typically takes the form of an interview or conversation. The number of participants can vary. Dialogue is divided into two types:


1. With a host: The host engages in a conversation with someone who is well-versed in the features of the product or service. This could be a company manager, representative, regular customer, or, for example, an expert. It’s important for the conversation to be as sincere and natural as possible, rather than following a scripted scenario. This approach can be easily implemented using an indoor audio player.


2. Without a host: In this case, a group of people discusses the product or service, expressing their opinions about it. An example could be a conversation between an expert and a customer.


According to specialists, listeners are often reluctant to respond to this type of advertisement, as it can seem staged or even forced. This happens when one of the participants, so to speak, overacts. People get the impression that they are being deceived. The situation can be improved by discussing how the advertised product or service helped solve a specific problem.


It’s also preferable to have a host or expert present who can answer the interlocutors’ questions and provide a detailed review. Optimal audio design, created with a centralized audio management system, can help increase the effectiveness of such advertising.





As the name suggests, drama is present here. In this type of audio advertising, actors perform a life scenario in which a problem is solved with the help of the advertised product or service. It’s important for the problem to be relatable to potential customers. Additional elements such as music and special effects can also be used. This type of delivery is more expensive than others but is also more effective.





Audio clips of this type naturally stand out from others. They are created to promote a specific product or service. The description can be presented as a song or as a regular message with music playing in the background. The music may increase in volume or, conversely, fade out. Experts do not recommend overlaying music throughout the entire clip (unless it is a song), as it can distract from the message.


The importance of a properly selected musical accompaniment for retail audio cannot be overstated. However, the primary focus should be on the key words. If this is not done, the potential customer may simply not grasp the message. This is the first requirement for this type of audio advertising delivery. There are others:


1. The scriptwriter must understand who the central figure of the clip is.


2. The music should match the preferences of the listeners and fit the format of the radio station. Fans of chanson are unlikely to appreciate classical music, and vice versa.


It is worth noting that for maximum effect, the mentioned methods of audio advertising delivery can be combined. Indoor audio advertising in this case becomes the ideal tool.

Stages of creating audio advertising


There are four stages in creating audio advertising. These involve script development, music selection, working with the announcer who will voice the text, and other important aspects.





A quality script is one of the key components of a successful audio clip. It is needed for any product or service, whether it’s cosmetics or, for example, the construction of frameless houses. It’s important not only to write the text but also to carefully consider where and with what intonation it should be read.


Before starting work on the script, you need to decide on the type of advertisement delivery and the method of promotion. These factors determine the format of the text. According to marketers, there are two types of promotion:


1. Hard sell: Targeted at young people and children. The main task of the radio ad is to evoke emotions in the listener that generate interest in the advertised product. To achieve this, a well-crafted text is written, the right intonation is chosen, information is presented in a positive light, and a call to action is made. All of this together helps achieve the desired result.


2. Soft sell: In this case, audiovisual content (both radio and video ads) is intended for adult consumers. Information is conveyed to them in a non-intrusive manner. The text discusses the advantages of the product or service.


Have you decided which promotion method suits you best? Now you can start creating the script.


1. Informative: The announcer’s task is to talk about the product. The information is delivered in an even, calm voice, occasionally emphasizing the most important points. It’s important that the ad isn’t too long, otherwise, it will be difficult for listeners to process. If all the information cannot fit into one clip, it’s better to create several short ones (one for each key point).


2. Vocal: Such audio clips are easy to listen to and remember. Over time, potential customers will recognize the product just by hearing the first notes of the track. The key here is to choose the right music. For example, rock and chanson are unlikely to be suitable for children’s products.


3. Playful: This involves a small scene/dialogue or monologue from the perspective of a customer/expert. In this type of script, emotions play a significant role. However, it’s important not to overdo it. The ad should focus attention on the product; otherwise, it might entertain the listener but fail to achieve its goal because they won’t remember the message.


There is also the **image advertising** clip. It aims to create an image of the advertised product and an emotional connection with consumers. The main goal is to explain how a person’s life will change after the purchase.


According to experienced marketers, it’s not advisable to mix several types of scripts in one clip. Such audio advertising is not well-received by people. The optimal approach is to use individual solutions for each script, taking into account the specifics of the audio accompaniment.

Ad length


The length of the ad is determined by the type of delivery. There are three options. The first is 15 seconds. These ads are ideal for companies that are well-established in the market and have a good reputation. For example, a large electronics retail chain only needs to say something like: “Phone sale with discounts up to 70% for a week.” This would be enough to capture listeners’ interest.


The second option is a 20-second ad. Here, you can add additional tools to influence potential clients and provide a bit more information. You can include a few words about the company’s history, product range, and advantages. Such an audio ad can be structured as a monologue or a dialogue.


Finally, the third option is a 30-second ad. Indoor audio advertising of this length is suitable for companies that are just entering the market and need to introduce themselves to consumers. It is also suitable for those launching a new product. The ad can combine several tools to influence potential buyers. It should be bright and emotional. A good idea is to include an expert’s or customers’ opinions.



Choosing the announcer


This is another important stage. The announcer must match the objectives set for the ad. You should consider the announcer’s gender, age, voice, the styles they work in, and whether they can deliver the information as the script requires.


To choose the most suitable announcer, carefully study the target audience. Ask yourself: what is the profile of the potential client? Depending on the answer, make your choice. Ideally, the announcer should be roughly the same age as the potential buyers, as people tend to trust their peers more. Also, consider the product’s specifics. If it’s a new tablet or phone, it makes sense for a young person to advertise it. On the other hand, if you’re promoting, for example, a joint pain treatment, it would be better for a middle-aged or older announcer to voice the ad.




The mood and rhythm of the melody should match the advertised product as closely as possible. It is important that the melody aligns with the script and complements it rather than detracts from it.



Advantages and disadvantages of audio advertising


Indoor radio audio advertising has its advantages and disadvantages. Let’s start with the advantages. The list is as follows:


– Speed: It only takes a few days to record the voiceover in a recording studio and launch the ad on air. If necessary, it can be changed or supplemented.


– Low cost.


– Effectiveness: Audio advertising can enhance the results of other types of promotional campaigns for products and services.


– Versatility: This method of self-promotion is suitable for both large companies and newcomers who need attention.


– Analytics: With the help of special programs and online services, you can assess how effective the ad was.


– Control: Advertisers have the opportunity to control when the ad will be aired.


– Persuasiveness: Spoken words (especially if the announcer has clear speech and a well-crafted text) work better than written ones.


Now for the disadvantages. Firstly, there’s a lack of opportunity to be creative. The format of audio ads hasn’t changed for many years. In most cases, these are informational, repetitive recordings that air at set intervals. Secondly, many people tune out the information. Alternatively, they may find it difficult to process the information by ear, which lowers effectiveness.


Thirdly, many consumers don’t like voice ads. And fourthly, the number of listeners varies throughout the day. Therefore, to increase effectiveness, you need to think about promotion strategies.

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