Digital Signage for advertising – choice №1

Digital Signage for advertising - in the world of digital screens, there are countless options with various technical specifications and usage capabilities.  

How to choose a screen for a Digital Signage project?


The right choice of a screen for your Digital Signage project can be crucial for the success of your advertising campaign.


During the planning of a Digital Signage project, it is essential to conduct preliminary research and determine which screens you may need.


Let’s consider some key factors to keep in mind when selecting displays.


Every project is unique, but there are common questions to address at the beginning of a Digital Signage campaign. For example:


1. What goals do you want to achieve by implementing Digital Signage solutions?


2. What type of content do you want to broadcast – informational, entertaining, advertising, or a mix?


3. What type of content do you want to display? Will it be dynamic video, images, animations, or text?


4. Where will the screens be located? Outdoors, in shop windows, or indoors?


5. At what distance from the audience will the screens be placed?


These questions should be kept in mind and addressed at all stages of project planning. During the implementation of your company, answers to these questions may change depending on budget and timelines.


Screen Type


In the digital signage industry, there is an ongoing debate about which type of screen is better to use in projects – consumer-grade or commercial-grade. Here’s the answer: you can use both! However, it depends on where and how they will be used.


Consumer-grade screens are cost-effective. Essentially, they perform the same tasks as commercial-grade screens. But if you plan to use home screens for an extended period, they may not be powerful enough for the job.


In such cases, it’s worth considering professional displays. Similar screens may be more expensive but come with additional features such as 24-hour playability without burn-in, increased brightness, and commercial warranties. There is a wide range of sizes, brightness levels, and screen installation options to satisfy the needs of any project.


What are the advantages of professional displays?


– A wider range of brightness adjustments


– Longer service life


– Anti-glare screen protection


– Built-in sensors for adapting to changes in lighting


Whether these features are essential to you depends on the nature of your project and the answers to the questions discussed in the first point.


Selecting the Right Display Size


There are two key factors to consider: the size of the room where the screen is placed and the distance at which people will be from your display. The larger the room where you place your screen, the more noticeable it should be. Perhaps, you should consider video walls that are guaranteed not to go unnoticed.


Large video walls are best suited for places like trade shows, shop windows, conferences, and auditoriums. A smaller advertising screen is ideal for store shelves, cash registers, or small spaces such as pharmacies or hair salons.


As we know that digital signage and menu boards are believing to contribute to increased sales. According to the Study, about 20 percent of brands deployed digital menu boards.


The fact is digital signage makes it easy to display information, it can show promotions and digital menu. Users can schedule simplifies display everyday advertisings to reduces costs which pay for employees to set up various menu boards.


Content can also influence display size. Determine in advance whether interactive audience interaction will be necessary, how much information you want to transmit through digital signage, whether it will be advertising, informational text, or entertaining messages.


Brightness and Screen Orientation


A typical consumer-grade television will likely have a brightness range of 200-350 nits. This is more than sufficient for use in indoor settings, such as waiting rooms. However, in direct sunlight, the content on such screens may be barely visible. In such conditions, high-brightness displays can help reduce glare and sun’s impact, ensuring the visibility of your content even on a sunny day. They attract attention and are designed to make your messages visible in any weather.


Screen orientation is also crucial. Which screen orientation suits your advertising campaign – portrait or landscape? This is an important question that affects the effectiveness of content impact and its appearance. Landscape orientation is perfect for video content, presentations, and dynamic slides. Portrait orientation is used less frequently but can be suitable for displaying maps, menus, reference information, and more.


Touchscreen Displays


More and more organizations are realizing the benefits of adding touchscreen capabilities to their Digital Signage projects. Touchscreen displays enable interactive content, enhancing customer engagement in advertising campaigns and simplifying interactions with services. Additionally, marketers can gather more data, such as clicks and visited pages.


One of the main advantages of touchscreen displays is the ability to provide quick and convenient customer service. Touchscreen kiosks expedite the ordering process at fast-food restaurants and gas stations. Self-service through interactive maps helps visitors find their way faster. In train stations, airports, and cinemas, such kiosks speed up ticket purchases and registration processes. Moreover, touchscreen displays can offer 24/7 service, improving the customer experience and reducing staff costs.


In Conclusion


Now you’re finally ready to make your choice. It’s essential to get the most out of implementing Digital Signage software. Regardless of what you aim to achieve with Digital Signage advertising screens, it’s best to start with a carefully thought-out content strategy. After all, advertising works best when it delivers genuinely relevant messages to the audience. So, fill your LED or LCD screen with images and text that are attractive and memorable. Displaying quality content on properly chosen screens leaves no chance for the audience to pass by your message.


Advision is a cloud cross-platform Digital Signage software. We help offline business and advertising companies to implement reliable Digital Signage infrastructure using our own software and hardware solutions. Advision is used for DOOH advertising networks, digital signage at points of sale (retail), in the fast food industry for digital menus, and corporate TV. Customization of software functions is possible to meet the client’s specific requirements. Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your tasks!

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