DOOH (Digital Out Of Home) as an effective advertising channel in 2024

DOOH (Digital Out Of Home) as an effective advertising channel: in the modern world, marketers and advertisers are constantly looking for new channels to promote their products and services.  

One of the promising directions in this context is digital advertising on streets, in shopping centers, and other public places, known as DOOH (Digital Out Of Home) advertising. The use of DOOH advertising is becoming increasingly popular due to the development of software for managing digital screens.


What is digital OOH advertising and how does it work?


The modern offline advertising industry is slowly but surely embracing innovations, incorporating technologies such as geofencing and beacons to allow advertisers to track and personalize communication. Until recently, this seemed impossible.


The situation where media investments in online advertising outweigh others may change thanks to a new approach to traditional media — digital out of home (DOOH).


What is DOOH advertising?


Out of home (OOH) advertising is a traditional form of advertising communication outside the home. It targets consumers who are in public spaces (streets, transportation, and various premises).


Among the most common formats of OOH media are billboards, bus stops, car advertising, and more.


DOOH is technologically enhanced OOH advertising (geofencing, tracking, retargeting, personalization, attribution).


So what does digital out of home advertising give us?


Imagine a world where billboards dynamically display ads tailored to each individual passerby. Imagine advertising, sold at real-time auctions, immediately appearing throughout the city or country. Imagine a world where out of home marketing in real-time actually happens simultaneously, and billboard ad content changes depending on the time of day or weather.


This transition can change the conventional process of purchasing out of home media. DOOH, unlike OOH, involves reducing the number of intermediaries and streamlining slow manual work. We are moving towards a reality where ads are purchased by algorithms.


DOOH software allows creating effective and innovative advertising campaigns targeted at a large audience. This technology enables advertisers to display video ads on specially installed screens in places where people gather, such as shopping centers, streets, airports, and more.


How is DOOH sold?


At first, DOOH may seem shrouded in mystery, but in reality, it’s a relatively simple concept. To better understand the topic, it’s worth refreshing our memory on practiced approaches to purchasing advertising inventory in the media market:


RTB – an auction model where advertisers compete for the opportunity to display messages to specific users. RTB offers numerous possibilities, involves data usage, and works with various inventories. This model is considered the most flexible in the market.


Programmatic Direct – a non-auction model, an individual advertising purchasing process that in many ways resembles the traditional approach, where the seller personally meets with the advertiser to make a deal. The model is very similar to a private marketplace (see below), except that advertisers and publishers agree on specific inventory based on a fixed price per thousand impressions.


Programmatic Guaranteed (also known as private marketplace, Private Marketplace or PMP) – a direct deal with a fixed price and guaranteed inventory. This method is usually offered by publishers with premium (i.e., more desirable and expensive) inventory. Such as, for example, Forbes, Wall Street Journal, or The New York Times.


Non-programmatic Guaranteed (Direct) – manual inclusion of advertising. Requires a large amount of human effort, understanding of client needs, agreement on prices, and placement planning. Accompanied by extensive email correspondence. Inventory is extended at a fixed price per thousand impressions. The inventory in this case is considered “guaranteed”, meaning it is reserved for the client.


DOOH advertising becomes a social advertising channel due to its ability to attract society’s attention. Digital screens stand out for their high image quality and the ability to display advertisements in high resolution. This makes them very attractive to view and promotes successful perception of advertising content.


One of the key advantages of DOOH advertising is centralized content management. Thanks to DOOH software, advertisers can easily update and change advertisements on all screens in the network. This allows for quick adaptation of advertising campaigns to changing conditions and audience needs.


In a world of constant innovation and technological development, advertising cannot remain on the sidelines. The modern possibilities of digital OOH advertising, especially in the context of DOOH, create numerous prospects for advertisers and marketers.


DOOH software opens up wide opportunities for video advertising campaigns that can be displayed on screens of various types and sizes. Such screens allow for the creation of interactive spaces where the audience can interact with the advertising, increasing engagement levels.


DOOH networks provide the opportunity to distribute advertising content across a wide range of locations, from shopping centers to airports, ensuring maximum coverage of the target audience. DOOH Display Solutions offer a wide selection of technical solutions for advertising screens, allowing for the selection of the optimal option for a specific task.


Centralized video and audio management systems enable advertisers to control and change content on screens in real-time, optimizing campaigns for current conditions. Free screen software makes these technologies even more accessible to businesses of any size, helping attract new customers and increase brand awareness.


Display software for DOOH displays is constantly being improved to meet the growing demands of the market and users. This opens up endless opportunities for the development of advertising strategies and achieving greater impact in communicating with the audience.


Some companies even offer free screen software, making this technology even more accessible to advertisers. With such tools, even small businesses can take advantage of DOOH advertising to increase their visibility and attract new customers.


Overall, DOOH advertising is a powerful tool for advertisers in the modern world. It combines advanced technology, social accessibility, and the ability to quickly respond to changes in market conditions. Therefore, this form of advertising deserves attention both for large corporations and for small and medium-sized enterprises.


Advision is used for DOOH advertising networks, digital audio-visual projects for points of sale (retail), in the fast food industry for digital menus and corporate TV in offices, or medical and educational institutions. It is possible to develop software functions to implement the client’s business processes.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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