Digital signage software cloud: How you can turn a television into a source of income №1 in your business

Digital signage software cloud: How to use a television for advertising and turn it into a source of income?

There are several ways to use a television for displaying advertisements and turn it into a source of income. Let’s explore some of them:


1. Advertising on a television in a store or other public place: you can offer businesses or public places to display advertisements on your television. In this case, you will need to place the television in a prominent location and show advertising videos on it. You can sell advertising space on the television for a fee.


2. Creating your own TV channel: you can create your own TV channel and showcase advertising videos on it. This can be useful if you have your own business and want to promote your products or services. You can also sell advertising space on your channel to other advertisers.


3. Using digital signage software cloud: there are special digital signage software cloud-based systems that allow you to create playlists of advertising videos and manage their display. You can use such systems to control advertising on televisions in stores or other public places, regardless of their physical location.


4. Connecting to online advertising platforms: you can connect your television to online advertising platforms. This enables you to display contextual advertising on the television and earn revenue from it.


In any case, to use a television for advertising, you will need an internet connection and special equipment for playing and managing advertising content.


If you are planning to purchase a television for displaying advertisements, keep in mind that for commercial use in public places and for high brightness, manufacturers recommend using professional displays. These displays are brighter, more reliable, and longer-lasting than home televisions, and they often come integrated with content management systems.


The differences between professional displays and home televisions are detailed in this article.


In the modern world, advertising plays a crucial role in promoting goods and services. Using a television for advertising can be a profitable tool for increasing turnover and revenue for your business. In this article, we will delve into several ways to use a television for advertising and how it can be advantageous.


1. Advertising on a television in a store or another public place:


One of the ways to utilize a television for advertising is to place it in a store or another public location. You can offer your television for advertising within the premises of a store, restaurant, pharmacy, or any other place with potential customers. This can be beneficial for both parties: the store owner can attract more customers, and you can earn money by selling advertising space on the television for a specific fee.


2. Creating your own channel:


Another method is to create your own TV channel and display advertising videos on it. This option is especially useful if you have your own business and wish to promote your products or services. By establishing your own channel, you gain full control over the content and can adapt it to your needs. You can also sell advertising time on your channel to other advertisers, which can generate a steady income.


3. Using digital signage software cloud:


New technologies provide extensive opportunities for managing television advertising. Special digital signage software cloud-based systems, known as Content Management Systems (CMS), allow you to create playlists of advertising videos and efficiently manage their display. With this software, you can control advertising on televisions in stores, restaurants, hotels, and any other public places, regardless of their location.


4. Connecting to online advertising platforms:


Thanks to the development of the internet, you can also connect your television to online advertising platforms. This enables you to display contextual advertising on the television and earn revenue from it. You can choose platforms that best suit your audience and business, and set up advertising campaigns to attract consumer attention.


It’s essential to note that using a television for advertising requires an internet connection and specialized equipment for content playback and management.


If you are planning to purchase a television for advertising, keep in mind that for commercial use in public places and under high lighting conditions, manufacturers recommend using professional displays. These displays are brighter, more reliable, and longer-lasting compared to home televisions. Let’s explore some key advantages of professional displays:


1. Brightness and visibility: Professional displays often have higher brightness levels, ensuring better visibility of advertising content even in brightly lit environments. This is especially important for stores and restaurants where lighting can be intense.


2. Reliability: Professional displays are typically more reliable and durable, designed for continuous operation. They are less prone to failures and have a longer lifespan, reducing maintenance costs.


3. Special features: Many professional displays come integrated with content management systems, simplifying content setup and playback.


4. Flexible mounting options: Professional displays often offer a variety of mounting options, allowing you to place them in different locations for various purposes.


As we can see, professional displays have their advantages, and the choice between them and home televisions depends on your business and specific needs. Before making a decision, it’s important to analyze all aspects of your project.


Advision offers the world’s most reliable digital signage software cloud-based system, assisting in capturing the audience’s attention. This software solution enables you to create, manage, and play advertising videos with ease, contributing to successful brand promotion and increased revenue.


The choice of how to use a television for advertising depends on your goals, capabilities, and location. Regardless of your choice, this tool can be a powerful means of advertising and a source of additional income. Explore the opportunities provided by different content management systems and select the one that best suits your needs.


Advision is a cloud cross-platform Digital Signage software. We help offline business and advertising companies to implement reliable Digital Signage infrastructure using our own software and hardware solutions. Advision is used for DOOH advertising networks, digital signage at points of sale (retail), in the fast food industry for digital menus, and corporate TV. Customization of software functions is possible to meet the client’s specific requirements. Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your tasks!

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