5 Ways to Increase Store Sales Using Digital Signage Software Cloud

Consumer needs have shifted towards digital innovative solutions for communication in the retail environment. Digital Signage Software Cloud Increase Store Sales.

Consumer needs have changed. To stay ahead of the competition, retailers need to undergo digital transformation to enhance customer interaction, optimize timely communication, improve navigation, and boost brand recognition.


Retailers have found a reliable ally in Digital Signage systems, consisting of a complex of equipment, including video screens, media players, and software for creating, distributing, and managing video content.


The Digital Signage market is expected to reach $29.8 billion by 2024, with up to 60% of retailers worldwide investing in Digital Signage systems in the next two years.


The Power of Digital Signage Software Cloud


Video screens have become an integral part of all retail networks, and when used correctly, they can deliver strong, successful, and fast results. This means of promoting products and services can take various forms and be creatively used throughout the customer journey, providing information in an easily digestible format. From simple LCD screens to transparent LED displays, curved video walls, and augmented reality interactive screens.


This highly flexible and adaptive form of digital marketing can be used in various ways, such as storefronts or interactive ordering systems with digital menus. In any case, Digital Signage can open up numerous opportunities for your business and turn a casual passerby into a regular customer.


Surveys show that up to 68% of customers made a purchase because they saw it on a screen. Your journey into the world of Digital Signage starts here. Digital Signage technology has undoubtedly made an impact on retail, but how can retailers incorporate it into their overall marketing strategy to drive retail growth?


We have compiled five ways in which Digital Signage can enhance customer interaction and drive the growth of retail:


1. Understanding Consumer Behavior


People have habits, and most people make purchases on autopilot, so it is vital for retailers to create a memorable first impression to break this trend. The path begins with an enticing pull of customers inside. Studies have shown that placing a video screen no less than 5 meters from the store entrance effectively attracts customers without overwhelming them as soon as they enter the store.


When you begin paying attention to the behavioral patterns of customers, you can learn how they enter your store and which areas they gravitate toward. This data allows you to optimize store navigation, convey product messages, and make it easier for customers to find what they are looking for.


Research indicates that shoppers typically move counterclockwise in stores, and if they pull a cart with their right hand, they are more likely to pick up products from the left side. Shoppers pay great attention to colors and textures and make purchases at various times of the day, so time-sensitive content caters to their needs more efficiently. Understanding consumer psychology helps you create a store layout and place displays where they are needed the most.


On average, a shopper looks at a product shelf for just 15 seconds and notices only up to 40% of the items.


2. Simplify the Search for Popular Items


Contrary to popular belief, making it easier to find popular items is far more effective than trying to promote specific products. Simplifying the search for products not only enhances customer service but also significantly impacts in-store sales. Every fifth consumer makes unplanned purchases due to visual triggers. Digital Signage plays a vital role in providing your store with navigational markers to help customers find what they want to buy.


Screens located at the end of aisles or at the beginning of new store sections are an effective way to promote new and exciting products, display important product information, and introduce new product categories.


Digital Signage can boost sales by 25%. Using Digital Signage in this way and placing displays at a distance of 1–1.5 meters from the customer’s eye level is an effective way to increase the number of spontaneous purchases and impulse buying.


3. Give Customers Space


It’s not always easy to turn cold areas into popular ones. Nevertheless, there are certain tactics you can use to attract customers to these open spaces.


Firstly, consider the space you are working with. Offering large open areas where customers can move more freely will be a significant factor in drawing customers to these zones. Avoid making customers feel that their personal space is being invaded.


Traditional cold areas are usually transitional zones, dimly lit and somewhat concealed. In such areas, high-value items or “necessities” are best suited to entice customers to visit.


By giving customers a reason to visit these less popular areas, you can enhance their shopping experience using Digital Signage software. Screens can transform these quieter, less-visited parts of the store with relevant messages and interactive features to attract and engage customers.


4. Combine Online and Offline


A whopping 75% of customers say they use social media as part of their shopping process, both before and during their in-store visit.


Customers seek assurance and often check a brand’s reputation before making a purchase. You can help satisfy their curiosity and boost brand recognition by using displays to showcase images or videos representing your unique brand.


The use of digital content can also help you stand out among competitors and create a “wow factor” if done correctly.


Digital displays are believed to capture attention four times more effectively than traditional paper advertising, and stores using window displays have reported nearly a 10% increase in foot traffic. You must provide customers with memorable experiences that they’ll talk about positively after visiting your store.


To conclude, the average human attention span lasts just 2-8 seconds, so be strategic in grabbing attention to make a lasting impression.


5. Revamp the Point of Sale


There are various forms of points of sale (POS), but video screens have proven to be the most effective method of attracting customer attention. An animated, bright display is more likely to capture attention than regular static images. Therefore, brands should use attractive visual effects for points of sale to influence customer behavior.


Screens used on product shelves can be an effective and impactful way to showcase products, promotions, and offers. Using vibrant images in this manner can increase the “dwell time” of customers, which refers to the amount of time customers spend interacting with content.


Learn More About Dynamic Content


Content should no longer consist of a standard rotation of videos or images. Modern Content Management Systems (CMS) allow you to respond to market conditions, enabling you to update media files in real-time, adapting them to specific conditions, events, or times. Content can automatically change based on the season, outdoor weather, specific dates, times, or customer behavior.


Dynamic content delivers a powerful communication effect, enhances personalization, supports sales, and ensures real-time messaging exchange with customers.


Capture Attention


The retail environment is geared toward driving sales and building brand recognition. Digital Signage software is a key tool for attracting customer attention to products and enabling a seamless and straightforward shopping experience to provide high-quality customer service.


Digital Signage, with its ability to deliver a variable set of relevant messages, entertaining content, and engaging multimedia, can be used as a key tool for attracting and interacting with customers on a much broader scale than traditional static content.


Combining this with dynamic content delivery ensures real-time, personalized messaging to entertain customers, make their experiences unforgettable, and breathe life into product shelves.


Be Responsive


With the Digital Signage Software Cloud we offer, brands can instantly update content, taking specific conditions into account to further enhance impulse purchases.


Dynamic Digital Signage Software Cloud has a distinct advantage in displaying user messages that can change periodically based on a multitude of factors, such as weather, time of day, the type of audience, and their behavior. Ordinary video screens do not have these capabilities and are limited to repetitive content, which can become redundant for the audience, reducing its visibility and impact.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the latest technology to address your needs!

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