Contact with transport outdoor advertising can last up to 40 minutes

Transport outdoor advertising is a separate type of advertising that belongs to the outdoor advertising industry.

Advertising at public transport stops is one of the most popular ways to increase audience reach and attract new customers. You can either completely brand a specific stop by filling all available spaces with advertising posters or rent just one segment—depending on the budget and goals of the advertising campaign. This article will explore the possible formats of advertising at public transport stops, its advantages, and disadvantages.



Duration of contact with advertising at stops and in public transport


Public transport stops are an excellent place for advertising placement because they are frequented by a large number of people. For example, in Kyiv alone, surface transport carries over 47% of the total number of passengers, and in cities without a metro, this figure is significantly higher. On average, people spend 3 to 10 minutes daily waiting at stops and then another 10 to 40 minutes in transport. This is an opportunity that should not be overlooked.



Advantages of advertising placement at urban stops


Wide audience reach. Thousands of people travel daily by bus, trolleybus, tram, or minibus. These include schoolchildren, students, workers, managers, scientists, and pensioners. As a result, commercial messages reach a vast number of people with varying income levels, among whom there will undoubtedly be representatives of the target audience. This also provides an opportunity to expand the audience. To enhance effectiveness, DOOH advertising (Digital Out-Of-Home) or digital signage players can be used.


Targeting. Public transport stops are located in all city districts and nearly every small locality. This enables both large-scale and targeted advertising campaigns. For instance, if an offer is designed for clients in a specific neighborhood, ads can be placed at the nearest stops. Moreover, with pDOOH solutions (Programmatic DOOH), the management of advertising content placement can be automated.


Effectiveness. Advertising at stops ensures that a large number of people see it daily, often multiple times. Repeated exposure to the advertising message significantly increases the likelihood of purchasing the product. For maximum impact, groups of screens and video wall software can be used to create bright and dynamic advertising stories.


Affordability. Digital advertising at public transport stops remains one of the most affordable options. This makes it possible to run advertising campaigns even with a limited budget. Thanks to the implementation of digital solutions like digital signage, advertising at stops becomes financially viable by saving on printing and delivery of paper ads.


Additionally, the use of numerous advertising mediums at different stops along a city route significantly expands advertising placement opportunities and increases target audience coverage. In this context, progressive solutions such as digital signage players, cameras, or motion sensors allow for more interactive and effective advertising.

The only disadvantage of such advertising is the risk of vandalism. However, this issue can be resolved through regular inspections of the structures and quick replacement of materials. It is also possible to sign a contract with a security company that will monitor your media. This allows the advertising campaign to remain uninterrupted and maintain its intended effectiveness.



Conditions for the effectiveness of transport advertising


Advertising campaigns using public transport stops work best for promoting everyday products and popular services. These can include food items, over-the-counter medicines, household appliances, various gadgets, and more. Regarding services, information about furniture repair and cleaning, fitness training, and legal consultations is successfully placed at stops. It is important that these services are provided in the same area.


The effectiveness of a campaign also depends on the use of modern technologies such as software for DOOH, which ensures flexible content management.


To achieve the desired result, high-quality materials should be prepared following several rules:


– Contrast of text and graphic information. Letters should be clearly visible against the background and easy to read, so they must be sufficiently large.


– Avoidance of decorative fonts. There is a risk that they will be misinterpreted or read incorrectly.


– Visibility at any time of the day. The use of LED backlighting significantly improves the visibility of advertisements, which is especially relevant for Digital Out Of Home (DOOH).


– Cleanliness of the pavilions. The glass behind which advertising posters are placed must be clean.


– Timely replacement of damaged parts. Advertising behind broken glass or with damaged elements will evoke negative emotions.


Additionally, integrating video advertising at stops allows campaigns to become more vivid and memorable.


In general, advertising at public transport stops must meet three main conditions:


The first is that advertising images should be placed at eye level so that they can be easily perceived without unnecessary effort or difficulty in reading the font.


The second is that the text must be composed so that the potential client can quickly understand the main message of the advertisement without delving into small details.


The third is the use of a creative approach. For example, to attract attention, you can add sound accompaniment or interactive elements. Sound advertising can be used for a short period so as not to overload passengers.


In addition, advertisers have the opportunity to choose the most advantageous locations for their business. For example, pavilions located near beauty salons, shops, car service centers, or other establishments. This helps local residents learn about current promotions, services, and special offers, and businesses gain new customers.

What is digital outdoor advertising at public transport stops?


With the development of technology, traditional posters are increasingly being replaced by digital solutions. Among the popular options are LED billboards, which stand out for their bright images, durability, and ability to broadcast dynamic content. Such devices are integrated into DOOH networks, allowing centralized management of advertising campaigns through modern software for LED screens.


For example, advertisers can adjust video content based on the time of day, day of the week, or even weather conditions. During peak hours, screens can display ads for coffee, lunch, or taxi services. In the evening, they can promote food delivery, entertainment, or evening events. Thanks to the flexibility and adaptability of this approach, advertising becomes more effective and targeted to specific audiences.



Why is digital advertising at stops effective?


1. Long exposure time. Passengers waiting for transport often spend considerable time at stops. During this period, they have the opportunity to thoroughly familiarize themselves with the provided content. This makes advertising screens an ideal tool for delivering not only vivid images but also additional information, such as QR codes or short links.


2. Adaptability and variety. By using LED billboards, advertisers can change messages based on the situation. For instance, during adverse weather conditions, they can promote warm clothing or hot drinks, while in summer heat, they can offer refreshing beverages or travel opportunities.


3. Scalability. Thanks to integration into DOOH networks, digital advertising campaigns can be scaled to cover individual districts or entire cities. This allows for the simultaneous execution of both local and nationwide campaigns.


4. Audience engagement. The use of dynamic graphics and videos increases the likelihood that the advertising message will be remembered. For example, LED screen software allows the creation of interactive content that engages people to interact — such as clicking a button, scanning a code, or participating in a giveaway.


5. Additional opportunities. Integrating digital screens with GPS systems enables broadcasting ads based on the location of the stop. For example, in the city center, premium services can be advertised, while in residential areas, essential goods can be promoted.


Digital advertising at public transport stops is an innovative solution that combines the effectiveness of traditional advertising with the advantages of modern technology. It enables reaching a wide audience, increasing brand awareness, and driving sales.



Manufacturing and placement at fixed locations


Creating high-quality advertising begins with choosing a concept and producing materials. For digital advertising, this can include video clips, animations, or interactive images. At this stage, it is essential to consider the specifics of the location where the advertisement will be placed. For instance, at stops in central city areas, it makes sense to use dynamic content that will attract the attention of a large number of people.


DOOH Display Solutions play a significant role in this process, allowing for the use of various digital screen formats — from small screens for narrow stops to large panoramic LED billboards.


Installing such structures involves integration with modern technologies, such as a centralized video management system. This ensures easy content management and allows for the prompt updating of advertisements or adapting them to current needs. For example, promotional offers can be adjusted based on the time of day or season.


Undoubtedly, transport DOOH advertising has become an integral part of the urban environment. It offers advertisers a wide range of opportunities to communicate with their target audience. By leveraging interactive technologies and innovative solutions, such as centralized video management systems, businesses can achieve maximum coverage and interaction with consumers.


The effective use of DOOH Display Solutions at public transport stops allows advertising to become more vibrant, noticeable, and tailored to the needs of the modern consumer. This contributes to increased brand recognition, sales growth, and the development of a positive company image. In the world of digital technologies, this approach opens up new prospects for advancing advertising campaigns.

Advision — Content Management System for remote management and media planning of video and audio content broadcast. We help offline businesses and advertising companies automate workflows and implement reliable Digital Signage infrastructure using our own software and hardware solutions.


Contact us and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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