Advertising on video screens with DOOH together “Planet 9 Media”

Maximizing Advertising Impact with DOOH (Digital Out-of-Home) Video Screens.

While OOH was in the aftermath of the pandemic in 2021, and OOH operators began to actively prepare for the programmatic future, digital outdoor advertising (DOOH) has been on the rise and this trend is set to continue.

Brands are increasingly incorporating advertising on video screens into their media plans, with Exchange Wire forecasting investment in digital outdoor space to grow by more than 36% year-on-year in 2022.

Without waiting for predictions to materialize, Admixer Advertising is expanding advertising on video screens opportunities through partnerships with advision and their digital outdoor advertising clients.


One of these clients is Planet 9 Media, a digital OOH advertising operator that complements the urban environment and contributes to the effective promotion of brands and products that place their advertisements on large LED screens installed on buildings in the streaming places of the city.



Advertising on video screens is one of the most visible types of outdoor digital advertising. A bright and dynamic video attracts more attention than a static story, it is better remembered, and information, a product or a story can be shown dynamically in various formats: cartoon, computer graphics and animation, video banner, video graphics, etc. Brand and advertiser can use existing video content intended for placement on other sites. While video adaptation for various screens is necessary, it does not require as many resources as producing a new video.


In addition, advertising on video screens are displayed with a predefined cycle, which contributes to the effective promotion of a brand or product. Due to the flexibility of the content playback schedule in the advision CMS software cabinet, the video can be displayed at the required time to guarantee demonstration to a wide audience.


To work with programmatic advertising on the screens of Planet 9 Media, you will need access to the Admixer.DSP advertising account. This access is provided by integrating advision technologies with the programmatic platform. To launch an ad, you need to select “Planet 9 Media” from the list of all DOOH operators as the placement of the commercial, and then launch your creative.


Impressions are sold in two formats: static placement for a certain period and according to the CPM model. As for targeting, settings for geo, time of day and weather conditions are available. The audience of Planet 9 screens is 60% men and 40% women, 60% drivers and passengers of cars and 40% pedestrians.


Over the past two years, people’s habits have changed a lot, which has led to the search for new and flexible tools to tailor advertising strategies to consumer behavior. Among the important trends is the active use of digital media. Today, advertising on video screens can be seen in shopping malls, skyscrapers, taxis and many other surfaces. Outdoor advertising will also develop by increasing the number of spaces available for placement and the emergence of new digital formats.


As the world continues to adapt to the changes brought about by the COVID-19 pandemic, consumer habits have continued to evolve rapidly over the past two years. People have become more reliant on digital technologies than ever before, with online shopping, remote work, and virtual communication becoming the norm for many.


These changes in behavior have led to a greater demand for advertising strategies that can reach consumers where they are spending most of their time – on digital media. Video screens have emerged as a powerful tool for advertisers looking to connect with consumers in a dynamic and engaging way. Whether it’s in shopping malls, on skyscrapers, in taxis, or on other surfaces, video screens are becoming increasingly common as a way to reach people where they are most likely to pay attention.

However, the potential for advertising on video screens goes far beyond simply displaying ads on existing screens. As the technology behind video screens continues to evolve, new digital formats are emerging that are more immersive, interactive, and engaging than ever before. Augmented reality, virtual reality, and interactive video are just a few of the new formats that are beginning to take hold in the world of outdoor advertising.


Moreover, the number of spaces available for advertising on video screens is also set to increase as the technology becomes more affordable and accessible. Small businesses and local organizations will be able to take advantage of this trend and leverage the power of video advertising to reach their target audiences.


In conclusion, advertising on video screens is a powerful and dynamic way to reach consumers where they are spending most of their time – on digital media. As the technology continues to evolve and become more accessible, new digital formats and spaces for placement will emerge, providing even more opportunities for advertisers to connect with their target audiences in exciting and engaging ways.



Advision is a cloud cross-platform Digital Signage software. We help offline business and advertising companies to implement reliable Digital Signage infrastructure using our own software and hardware solutions. Advision is used for DOOH advertising networks, digital signage at points of sale (retail), in the fast food industry for digital menus, and corporate TV. Customization of software functions is possible to meet the client’s specific requirements. Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your tasks!

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