Advision partner of Future Lab 12

Future Lab 12: HUMAN TECH - key ideas in the synergy of communications and IT.

Advision partner of Future Lab
Advision partner of Future Lab
Advision partner of Future Lab

Advision has become a specially invited partner of the event organized by the communication group dentsu Ukraine – Future Lab: HUMAN TECH – key ideas in the synergy of communications and IT.

Event participants and guests were introduced to advanced solutions developed by advision and discussed future relationships between the IT sector and the advertising industry.


500 offline guests and 250 online, 12 speakers and 24 MarTech Alley participants – this is how Future Lab 2021 from the communication group dentsu Ukraine went. This year, the conference was dedicated to the theme of Human Tech – discussing technological solutions that stimulate human-centric marketing.


The tech business is now more popular with venture investors than ever before. Among the trends for the near future that will attract investment: modular housing and alternative energy sources, green mobility, artificial food products (meat, milk, etc.), delivery services, software for remote working, financial technologies (digital-only banks, blockchain, biometric security systems), cybersecurity solutions, HealthTech products, eco-retail, MarTech, personalized dating, educational technologies, DNA sequencing and artificial fertilization, flying taxis and space technologies, green energy.


Future Lab is one of the largest conferences in Ukraine, dedicated to marketing, communications, and media. It has been held annually since 2011. It is a platform for discussing future technologies, getting to know new global innovations adapted to the Ukrainian market.

Advision’s participation at Future Lab 2021 highlighted the growing importance of technology in the advertising industry. The event brought together leading professionals from the marketing, communications, and media industries to discuss the latest trends and innovations in human-centric marketing.


Advision’s advanced solutions demonstrated the potential for technology to enhance customer experiences and improve brand interactions. By showcasing their expertise in developing cutting-edge software solutions, the company highlighted the importance of innovation in the advertising industry.


As the tech industry continues to attract venture investors, Future Lab 2021 provided an opportunity for businesses to learn about the latest trends and identify new opportunities for growth. The conference highlighted the potential of modular housing, alternative energy sources, and green mobility as areas for investment, as well as the growing popularity of artificial food products and delivery services.


Additionally, the conference highlighted the importance of cybersecurity and biometric security systems in protecting businesses from cyber threats. The rise of digital-only banks and blockchain technology has also created new opportunities for businesses in the financial technology sector.


Future Lab 2021 demonstrated the growing importance of technology in the marketing, communications, and media industries. As businesses continue to adapt to changing consumer behaviors, the use of advanced technology will become increasingly important. The event provided a valuable platform for businesses to learn about the latest trends and innovations and explore new opportunities for growth.


Moreover, the conference provided a forum for exploring the relationship between the IT sector and the advertising industry. The event highlighted the need for collaboration between these two sectors to create more effective marketing campaigns and better customer experiences.


Advision’s participation in the event exemplified the importance of building strong partnerships between IT companies and businesses in the advertising industry. By working together, these sectors can develop innovative solutions that can transform the way brands interact with their customers.


Overall, Future Lab 2021 was a success, providing a platform for businesses to explore the latest trends and innovations in the marketing, communications, and media industries. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, the importance of technology in these sectors will only continue to grow. Events like Future Lab 2021 provide valuable opportunities for businesses to stay informed and adapt to the changing needs of their customers.


As advision continues to innovate and develop new solutions for the advertising industry, it will play an increasingly important role in shaping the future of marketing and communications. By leveraging the latest technology and collaborating with businesses in the advertising industry, advision is well-positioned to drive growth and success in this rapidly evolving sector.


In conclusion, Future Lab 2021 highlighted the importance of technology in the marketing, communications, and media industries, and the potential for collaboration between the IT sector and the advertising industry. Advision’s participation in the event demonstrated the company’s commitment to developing innovative solutions and driving growth in the advertising industry. As the industry continues to evolve, businesses that embrace technology and innovation will be best positioned for success.



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