CMS for large digital screens of Reclen company (OS Linux and OS Windows 10 PRO)

CMS for large digital screens: Digital Out of Home Content Management System for large digital screens of Reclen company 

CMS for large digital screens.

Digital signage software, which is also known as a content management system (CMS), is the software used for digital signage. The software manages, creates, schedules, delivers, and saves content for digital signage. It allows media to be uploaded and edited too.


The CMS for large digital screens is the central platform that is very crucial for digital signage. We can call it the brain for digital signage. A CMS is also commonly used to control digital display devices such as videowall, digital standee and interactive kiosk. A good thing about CMS is, it also supports multiple users. This means, more than one admin can be assigned to manage the software. (How it works?)


Moreover, a digital signage CMS is also a software that provides security protection. It protects the content and the device from any hacking, and it preserves the data.

You can monitor everything with CMS for large digital screens by Advision. You can choose whether you want to monitor the current schedule, device information, program scheduling and player control.


Of course, being far from the devices will make you curious about them. You might be wondering if your devices are working well or not or if there is any error going on with the devices.


Rest assured, monitoring enables you to check the health status of the devices. If there is any issue with the devices, you can detect it right away. Checking the network status, the temperature, and the usage of memory are also available. You can monitor them all remotely.

Digital signage is a smart innovation for many business owners. It has helped business owners with their marketing and their exposure. However, digital signage is not just about its physical device.


Advision`s CMS for large digital screens is used as a cloud-based web application. All you have to do is log in to the account using the username, password, and verification code. Then, you will see the dashboard and you may proceed to use the software. After logging in, you can start to upload your images or videos.


Our software supports a wide range of file formats, including images, videos, graphics, and animation, text, date & time display, and weather information.You can contact us for any question.


  • Stable operation of digital boards of large digital screens of various configurations and formats
  • Remote management of advertising air on a large number of digital advertising inventory of various formats from anywhere in the world
  • Integration with CRM via API
  • History Log of actions of managers in the Advision CMS online account
  • Flexible scheduling of advertising content broadcasting with reference to time or weather conditions by triggers
  • Providing statistics to advertisers in the form of a digital document or online link
  • Automatic generation of a document for reporting to an advertising industrial structure
  • Sales of advertising time through programmatic platforms
  • Synchronization of content display on LED screens
  • Weather widgets, with online data updates
  • Online monitoring of the quality of the Internet connection digital boards
  • Schedule LED screen brightness settings to save electricity costs

CMS for large digital screens.

  • Made the installation of customized OS Linux and OS Windows 10 PRO
  • CMS Advision installed with options for DOOH business
  • Provided an online account for remote management and scheduling of advertising content displays
  • At the request of some clients, we provided their managers with access to CMS Advision options via API
  • Conducted remote training for client staff



CMS for large digital screens.

  • Stable operation of digital boards
  • The client received the necessary options for reporting to advertisers
  • Automation of content broadcast scheduling removed the burden from client managers and removed the possibility of errors associated with the human factor
  • The customer’s technical staff successfully uses IT tools to monitor the system performance of equipment with online connection Support Advision
  • Significant savings on electricity costs through the use of CMS functions to create a schedule of LED screen brightness settings


At first glance, it may seem that setting up Digital Signage is quite difficult, but it is not. Let’s take a closer look at how this process occurs and how small businesses should implement demonstration screens into their operations.

Equipment selection


Digital Signage consists of a monitor that broadcasts content and a Digital Signage player that uploads and synchronizes it. Modern players can be integrated with a wide variety of displays.


When it comes to screens for advertising, there are many different models on the market for any budget—from expensive professional ones to more affordable consumer monitors, televisions, etc. When choosing, you should focus on the tasks you face and what you want to use Digital Signage for.




Digital Signage software is used to manage content on the screen. The choice of software should be based on your goals and the budget you plan to spend. However, there are several features you must consider:


1. Setup. The simpler, the better. You likely don’t have the time or desire to learn complex software operations or train your employees on it. Ideally, find software that requires no advanced knowledge or skills. The easiest choice is cloud storage, as it does not require a dedicated server, and the provider will handle all updates.


2. Ability to increase the number of screens. This may seem unnecessary now, but in the future, when Digital Signage starts generating additional revenue, you may want to increase the number of displays. Therefore, choose software that allows you to add extra screens without additional costs.


3. Content. Besides a user-friendly interface, the system should support all media formats. It’s very convenient when there are ready-made templates that only need to be edited. This is suitable for small companies without a dedicated content creator. Working with templates takes only a few minutes.


4. Integration with other applications. To optimize your workflow, choose a Content Management System (CMS) that integrates with other applications. This way, you can easily transfer content from other platforms and post various useful information, such as weather forecasts.


5. Remote management capability. This is one of the important parameters to consider when choosing software. The ability to manage content from anywhere is worth the extra cost. You can be anywhere and launch advertising campaigns, change content, and much more. We wrote about the possibilities of remote screen management here.


6. Reliability of the provider. It’s important that all measures are taken to ensure the confidentiality of the data received. Prefer a provider who can offer timely technical support in case of emergencies. And if you want to explore this topic deeper, choose those who also offer online training or good video tutorials on Digital Signage. This can be very useful if you haven’t dealt with demonstration screens before and don’t know their capabilities.


After studying all these parameters, choose a few options and analyze the cost. Based on all this, you can make a final choice. Small businesses generally find it more convenient to work with cloud software. It is provided like home internet or a subscription—with a monthly or yearly payment. As soon as you stop paying, access is restricted. Usually, the cost depends on the number of connected screens.


If you choose a local solution, you will need to purchase a license. Its cost can be quite high. Managing cloud software is also much easier.

Contact us now, and we will provide the best solution for your business!