10 advantages of using DSP in outdoor advertising

A DSP (Demand Side Platform) is an automated platform for purchasing online advertising.

Let’s take a closer look at the benefits of this service for advertisers, which allows them to buy ad spaces on websites, in apps, on social media, or on digital billboards.



How does a DSP platform work?


Typically, DSP use an RTB (Real-Time Bidding) auction for buying and selling ads. The entire process consists of several stages:


1. Campaign creation: The advertiser creates an advertising campaign, sets the target audience, and defines the bid.


2. Bid placement: Publishers—owners of websites or other digital platforms that provide advertising spaces—offer available spots in the auction through SSP platforms.


3. Information transfer: The SSP—a platform where website or app owners sell ad space—transfers information to the DSP platform, which analyzes the target audience and determines whether to place a bid for impressions on a specific site.


4. Advertiser bids: Advertisers place bids to display their ads on the site and compete with each other.


5. Auction: The ad exchange conducts an auction among all the bids, and the advertiser with the highest bid wins the right to display their ad.


6. Payment and analysis: The advertiser pays for the won impression, and data from the campaign is collected and analyzed to optimize future bids.


Don’t worry if these steps seem complicated— the entire process is automated and happens within a few seconds.



Features of DSP in the context of digital advertising


Using a DSP in outdoor advertising allows for the efficient management of advertising campaigns on digital screens. Such platforms optimize interaction with CMS (Content Management Systems), which control the display of information on digital displays. The advantages of using a DSP for digital advertising players include the ability to flexibly configure campaigns, precise targeting, and real-time updates of the content displayed on screens.


Digital advertising through a DSP is suitable for various types of outdoor advertising spaces, ranging from small digital signs to large video screens. This software provides the capability to analyze campaign effectiveness and quickly respond to changes in audience behavior.



Advantages of using DSP in outdoor advertising


1. Highly accurate audience targeting


A key benefit of deploying a DSP in outdoor advertising is its capacity for highly accurate audience targeting. By leveraging detailed data on location, demographic profiles, and user behavior patterns, DSPs empower advertisers to focus their ads on specific, well-defined segments. This precision ensures that your ads on digital screens reach individuals who are most likely to be interested in your product or service, dramatically enhancing the impact and success of your advertising campaigns.



2. Instantaneous ad space acquisition through RTB


DSPs harness the power of Real-Time Bidding (RTB) technology, allowing advertisers to acquire ad spaces instantaneously. This dynamic bidding process offers unparalleled flexibility, enabling advertisers to swiftly react to shifts in market demand and availability. With RTB, campaigns can be rapidly adjusted, bids recalibrated, and budgets reallocated in real-time, optimizing expenditure and maximizing the return on investment in a continuously evolving advertising landscape.



3. Campaign analytics and optimization


DSPs provide advertisers with access to detailed analytics and reports on the performance of their advertising campaigns. Collecting and analyzing data in real time allows for the evaluation of which strategies work best and the implementation of necessary adjustments to improve results. The ability to conduct A/B testing of different creatives and targeting settings helps continuously optimize campaigns and enhance their profitability.



4. Flexibility and scalability


Using a DSP in DOOH (Digital Out Of Home) advertising ensures high flexibility and scalability of advertising campaigns. Advertisers can easily scale their efforts by adding new ad spaces or changing targeting parameters according to their needs. This is especially important for large brands that manage their campaigns across multiple markets simultaneously. DOOH Display Solutions enable the effective coordination of advertising on numerous digital screens within extensive DOOH networks.



5. Personalization and dynamic creative optimization (DCO)


A DSP enables the implementation of personalized approaches in DOOH advertising through Dynamic Creative Optimization (DCO). This means that ad creatives can adapt in real-time based on current conditions and audience characteristics. For example, the content can change depending on the time of day, weather, location, and other factors. Such personalization increases the relevance and appeal of the ads to end consumers, enhancing the likelihood of response and conversion.



6. Effective budget management


A DSP allows advertisers to manage their advertising budget effectively. Thanks to precise data and analytics, advertisers can allocate funds to the most effective channels and campaigns. This helps avoid unnecessary expenses and achieve maximum return on investment. The ability to conduct real-time auctions and adjust campaigns allows for quick responses to market changes and cost optimization.



7. Integration with other marketing channels


DSP platforms easily integrate with other marketing channels, enabling the creation of omnichannel advertising campaigns that reach audiences across different channels and devices. This integration enhances the impact of advertising and provides a more cohesive approach to brand promotion. The software for screens also provides flexible content management and allows for adapting messages according to the audience.


A DSP is an indispensable tool in the DOOH advertising space, significantly simplifying marketers’ work and ensuring a high level of adaptability for advertising campaigns on digital screens.



8. Innovative targeting techniques in DOOH


As digital out-of-home (DOOH) advertising evolves, innovative targeting techniques are reshaping how brands connect with their audiences. Advanced DSPs now integrate with cutting-edge technologies like geofencing, beacon technology, and AI-driven analytics, allowing advertisers to reach consumers with unprecedented precision. By analyzing real-time data from mobile devices and other sources, these platforms can deliver hyper-targeted messages based on factors like foot traffic patterns, weather conditions, or even nearby events. This level of granularity ensures that ads are not just seen but are contextually relevant, capturing the audience’s attention at the perfect moment.



9. Dynamic content adaptation


In the realm of DOOH, dynamic content adaptation is another game-changer. Modern DSPs enable ads to be tailored in real-time based on a multitude of factors, such as time of day, audience demographics, or even current events. For instance, a digital billboard might display a different ad for morning commuters compared to what it shows in the evening, or alter its messaging in response to a sudden change in weather. This adaptability not only increases engagement but also allows brands to deliver personalized experiences on a mass scale, making their advertising efforts more effective and memorable.



10. Predictive targeting and behavioral insights


With the integration of machine learning and AI, DSPs are becoming increasingly adept at predictive targeting. By analyzing vast amounts of historical data, these platforms can forecast future consumer behaviors and preferences, enabling advertisers to anticipate needs before they even arise. This proactive approach allows brands to stay one step ahead, ensuring that their ads are not only timely but also resonate deeply with the audience’s evolving interests. As a result, DOOH advertising becomes more than just a medium for promotion—it transforms into a strategic tool for building long-term consumer relationships.


The evolution of Digital Out-of-Home advertising has brought about a new era of personalized and contextually relevant marketing. Today’s DSPs are equipped with sophisticated algorithms that analyze a wealth of data points, including environmental factors, audience behavior, and even social trends. This allows advertisers to create campaigns that are not only targeted but also dynamically responsive to the world around them.


For example, in busy urban centers, DOOH ads can change depending on the time of day, targeting office workers during the morning commute with promotions for coffee, and then shifting to leisure activities or dining options as the evening approaches. The integration of real-time data sources, such as traffic flow or public transportation schedules, enables even greater precision, ensuring that the right message is delivered at the right moment to the right audience.


Moreover, advancements in facial recognition and emotion detection technology are pushing the boundaries of what’s possible in DOOH advertising. These innovations allow screens to gauge the mood of passersby and adjust the ad content accordingly, creating a more engaging and personalized experience. Whether it’s a cheerful message to lift spirits on a rainy day or a tailored offer based on observed demographics, the ability to respond to subtle cues in the environment makes DOOH advertising more impactful than ever.


As brands seek to connect with consumers in increasingly meaningful ways, the potential for interactive elements in DOOH campaigns is also expanding. Touchscreens, QR codes, and augmented reality (AR) experiences turn traditional advertising into a two-way conversation, inviting the audience to engage directly with the brand. This level of interaction not only enhances brand recall but also fosters a deeper connection between the consumer and the product.


In this rapidly advancing field, the fusion of technology and creativity is key. The most successful DOOH campaigns will be those that not only harness the power of data and innovation but also craft messages that resonate on a human level. As DOOH continues to evolve, it offers an exciting and dynamic platform for advertisers to create truly immersive, personalized, and effective marketing experiences.



Innovations in DOOH advertising targeting: The future is near


In the world of digital out-of-home advertising (DOOH), innovations in targeting are opening new horizons for advertisers. Modern technologies enable the creation of campaigns that not only reach a broad audience but also personalize advertising messages in real time. This is achieved by implementing advanced machine learning algorithms and artificial intelligence, which analyze vast amounts of data and adapt content to the interests of specific consumers.



Interactivity and audience engagement


Today’s DOOH Display Solutions make interactive engagement with audiences possible through advertising screens. For instance, by using cameras and sensors, ads can respond to the age, gender, mood, and even the movements of people. Such innovations allow for the creation of truly engaging content that not only captures attention but also increases the level of interaction with the consumer.



Enhanced geotargeting capabilities


Thanks to the integration of data from mobile devices and geolocation services, targeting in DOOH advertising has reached a new level. Now, advertisers can consider not only the audience’s location but also their travel routes, time of day, and behavioral habits. This ensures that ads are shown at the most relevant moment, increasing the chances of successful interaction with the brand.



Predicting consumer needs


Innovative approaches to data analysis allow for predicting consumer behavior and adapting advertising content to their future needs. For example, if data indicates increased demand for a certain product in a specific location, the ad can automatically change to match these demands. This is particularly effective for DOOH networks, which can dynamically adjust content on numerous digital screens, ensuring maximum relevance of messages.



Expanding software capabilities


Modern screen software is becoming increasingly powerful and functional. It not only allows for content management but also integrates various data sources to improve targeting and campaign optimization. The latest platforms provide the ability to manage advertising from a single centralized system, simplifying processes and offering greater flexibility for advertisers.

As the landscape of Digital Out-of-Home (DOOH) advertising continues to evolve, the fusion of technology and marketing strategy is opening up entirely new avenues for audience engagement. One of the most exciting developments in this space is the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to predict consumer behavior with remarkable accuracy. By analyzing patterns in historical data, AI-powered DSPs can anticipate the needs and preferences of specific audience segments, enabling advertisers to deliver content that resonates deeply with individual consumers. This predictive capability goes beyond traditional targeting methods, allowing brands to be more proactive in their approach, crafting messages that feel intuitive and timely.


Another groundbreaking aspect of modern DOOH is the integration of Internet of Things (IoT) devices, which allows for real-time interaction between digital billboards and the physical environment. For instance, a network of connected sensors might detect a spike in foot traffic near a retail store, prompting nearby digital screens to display special offers or promotions that are instantly relevant to the crowd. This level of interactivity not only enhances the consumer experience but also provides advertisers with valuable data on how their campaigns are performing in different contexts.


The role of data privacy in DOOH is also becoming increasingly important as these technologies advance. With the ability to collect and analyze vast amounts of personal data, advertisers must navigate the fine line between personalization and privacy. Emerging regulations and consumer expectations are driving the need for transparency and consent in data collection practices, leading to the development of new standards and protocols within the industry. As a result, the future of DOOH will likely see a greater emphasis on ethical data use, ensuring that personalization efforts do not come at the expense of consumer trust.


In addition to these technological advancements, the creative potential of DOOH is being explored in novel ways. Brands are beginning to experiment with storytelling techniques that unfold across multiple screens and locations, creating a cohesive narrative that engages viewers as they move through different spaces. This multi-screen storytelling approach not only captures attention but also builds a stronger emotional connection with the audience, as each piece of content contributes to a larger, more immersive experience.


Furthermore, the rise of programmatic DOOH is making it easier for advertisers to manage and optimize their campaigns across a variety of formats and locations. Programmatic buying enables real-time adjustments to campaign parameters, such as targeting criteria and budget allocation, based on the latest performance data. This flexibility allows advertisers to be more agile in their strategy, responding quickly to changes in consumer behavior or market conditions, and ensuring that their messages remain relevant and impactful.


In summary, the future of DOOH advertising is being shaped by a convergence of cutting-edge technologies, creative innovation, and a growing awareness of the importance of data privacy. As these trends continue to develop, advertisers will have unprecedented opportunities to connect with their audiences in more meaningful and effective ways, transforming DOOH from a static display medium into a dynamic, interactive, and highly personalized marketing channel. All of this makes DOOH advertising one of the most promising directions in modern marketing. Innovations in targeting not only enhance the effectiveness of advertising campaigns but also create truly unique, personalized experiences for consumers. Technology is transforming advertising into a tool that not only informs but also interacts with the world in real time.


Advision — Content Management System for remote management and media planning of broadcast video and audio content. We help offline businesses and advertising companies automate workflows and implement a robust Digital Signage infrastructure using our proprietary software and hardware solutions.


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