Digital signage for advertising services. The 5 most suitable placement locations

Digital signage: in the modern world, digital technologies are rapidly entering all areas of business, including the sphere of offline advertising.

Digital displays are the most digitized format, becoming an integral part of an effective promotional strategy for many businesses. Let’s consider 5 optimal scenarios and places where the use of digital signage for advertising services will be effective.


1. Advertising at points of sale


Digital screens is ideal for points of sale, such as stores. Using digital screens software and digital signage players allows you to display current promotions, special offers, or new products right at the point of sale, attracting the attention of customers and stimulating impulse purchases. There are also customers who wish to make a week’s worth of grocery purchases, but they are currently busy with their work matters and do not have time to take the purchased products home. For such customers, it would be very appropriate for the store to show an advertisement for a delivery service that they can order after purchasing goods without leaving the store.


2. Digital menu boards in restaurants


Restaurants can use digital menu boards to display the menu and special offers in real-time. Thanks to the centralized video management system, changes to the menu can be made quickly and efficiently, responding to customer needs instantly and reducing the costs of printing new menus. Also, with the help of digital signs, clients can be informed about a service for creating a personalized burger from various ingredients.

3. Hospitals and clinics


Digital screens in hospitals and medical centers can be used to inform patients about department operating hours, available services, health tips, or even to show the expected wait time. Screens for advertising help improve service, provide client information support, and inform about various services – tests, therapeutic procedures, and for example, massages.


4. Fitness centers and sports clubs


In sports centers, digital sings can be effectively used to advertise new gym equipment, vitamin supplements, and services such as group classes and personal training with a personal trainer. With digital signage software, content can be easily changed according to current marketing campaigns or seasonal promotions.


5. Digital advertising on vehicles


Buses, taxis, and other vehicles can be equipped with digital screens to display advertising for any services. This not only enhances the profitability of the means of transportation but also ensures constant contact with potential clients. Passengers are a pretty good audience, ready to view any content to reduce waiting time during the trip.


These are just 5 scenarios where digital displays can be used for effective service advertising. In all these scenarios, an important role is played by the CMS (Content Management System) – software for digital screens. It provides ease of content management and the ability to quickly edit content broadcasts considering time, weather conditions, and geolocation.


Choosing the right advertising screen and software among the numerous offers on the market can be a challenging task. Ideally, it would be best to determine all requirements before starting the search to avoid mistakes along the way. However, we all know that this can sometimes be difficult.


In this article, we will continue to help you understand some possible options for equipment and recommend features that are most important for the implementation of your digital signs project.


So, what else should you consider?


Ask yourself a few key questions to better understand your needs:


– What is your goal in installing an advertising screen?


– What are you focused on: information, entertainment, advertising, or mixed content?


– What content do you want to display?


– Will your content be dynamic or static?


– Do you want to display text, images, or video?


Consider the placement environment


The location where your advertising monitor will be installed is crucial. It can influence the type of display you need—for example, outdoor installations require monitors that are resistant to aggressive external influences such as sun, dust, and moisture.


Choosing the size and resolution


Determine the optimal display size and resolution, which can vary from Full HD to Ultra HD and 4K, depending on how detailed you want your content to be.


Software compatibility


Ensure that the screen is compatible with the digital screens software you plan to use. Platforms such as Digital Signage Software, CMS (Content Management System), and digital signs systems allow for easy content management and adaptation to the needs of your audience.


Compare more than just brands


Do not limit yourself to well-known brands. Consider various options that may offer a more advantageous price-quality ratio.


Additional recommendations


When choosing a screen for advertising needs, consider using innovative technologies such as Digital Signage support. Modern solutions can include Digital Signs Freeware, which provides a cost-saving opportunity when launching a project.


Also, special attention must be given to the selection of a digital signage player that provides stable and high-quality content playback. The digital signage player should support all modern video and image formats, ensuring reliability in operation and ease of management.


Consider the use of screens for advertising in places such as digital menu boards in restaurants or hotel lobbies, where they can effectively attract attention and provide useful information.


How to create an effective digital signage system


A successfully developed digital signs system consists of a distributed network of information displays. Each group of displays broadcasts specialized content that meets a specific goal. Digital advertising should captivate, welcome, and accompany the customer, helping them to learn about products, related items, and make choices. The system should promote your products, services, and expertise.


Large, bright video panels for storefronts serve the function of attracting the attention of passersby, inviting them inside the store or office. Also, information displays on shelves, counters, and corners broadcast information about the products nearby, help to obtain more data about specific products, see them in action, and make a choice in favor of a more profitable product.


An advertising video panel in the checkout area displays related products, appropriate accessories, care products, etc., as well as information about upcoming sales and promotions. Digital menu boards in restaurants and hotel lobbies are also effectively used to attract attention and provide useful information. Using digital signage in such locations can significantly enhance customer interaction and improve communication efficiency.


The key element of the system is digital signs software, which allows centralized management of all content through a CMS (Content Management System). Modern solutions such as Digital Signage Software provide the ability to configure displays, schedule content updates, and monitor device status.


Equally important is the choice of a digital signs player. The Digital Signage player should support high-quality video and images, be reliable in use, and easy to maintain. The player allows for continuous and stable content playback, which is critically important for maintaining uninterrupted operation of advertising and informational campaigns.


This approach to using professional advertising and information systems has proven its effectiveness in practice, with many retail chains already transitioning to such systems and planning to increase the number of displays used.


Given the rapid growth in demand for digital advertising, investing in digital signs systems is becoming an increasingly profitable decision for businesses of various scales. Today, more than ever, it is important not just to install screens for advertising, but also to ensure their effective management and content that meets the needs of the target audience.


Connecting to a Centralized Video Management System allows owners to control all aspects of the advertising campaign, from planning and placing content to its analysis and update. This not only increases the responsiveness to changes in consumer demand and market conditions but also significantly optimizes costs, minimizing unnecessary efforts and time spent on content management.


Digital signage is not only a technology of the future but also a powerful tool of the present, providing businesses with a real competitive advantage. Market participants who have already implemented these systems note a significant increase in customer attention and sales growth. Therefore, integrating digital screens into your marketing strategy today can be the key to success tomorrow. Considering these advantages, it can be confidently said that investing in Digital Signage is an investment in the future of your business.

Advision — Content Management System for remote management and media planning of broadcast video and audio content. We help offline businesses and advertising companies automate workflows and implement a robust Digital Signage infrastructure using our proprietary software and hardware solutions.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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