Digital Signage for a furniture store – a new level of business in 2024

Digital Signage for in modern retail, competition among furniture stores is increasing, and it is essential to use innovative approaches to attract customer attention and service.

One such approach is the use of digital signage technologies to create effective media solutions. Let’s explore how digital signage software can become a powerful tool for furniture stores.


Digital signage at IKEA: Innovation in internal communication


The Swedish company IKEA, known for its international popularity in furniture design, utilizes advanced technologies for internal communication with its employees. To address the challenge of delivering information in a format accessible to the entire team, the company opted for a corporate indoor television solution.


IKEA’s choice: Corporate television for effective internal communication


IKEA considered various channels for internal communication, including email, newspapers, and intranet. However, 40% of employees did not have computer access, complicating the use of the intranet. There was a need for an effective and convenient channel for the entire team. Instead of paper media and mobile applications, the decision was made to install corporate television.


What is IKEA’s corporate television


IKEA’s corporate television is an interactive system resembling lively newspapers from the Harry Potter movie. Screens are placed in popular locations, such as cafes, where employees spend their time. Each screen includes a digital signs player based on the Linux operating system.


Technical details: From screen to player


The screens range from 42 to 50 inches and are strategically located within the company. A small player, an industrial PC with the Linux operating system, is responsible for content playback. The company chose this solution for reliability and user-friendliness.


Solution benefits: Centralized control and integration with sales


The comprehensive solution provides assurance for both software and hardware, simplifying interaction with a single provider. Additionally, this solution allowed merging non-commercial television with commercial television, minimizing costs for corporate television. The digital signs system also integrates with the corporate program tracking sales and other business metrics.


Innovations in internal communication


IKEA’s corporate television represents an innovative approach to internal communication. The use of digital screens, digital signage systems, and other technologies not only captures attention but also improves interaction with employees, providing a convenient and effective channel for information exchange.


Application of digital signage in modern business processes


IKEA continues to integrate digital signage technologies into its business processes, using them to enhance internal efficiency and foster customer communication. One of the innovative solutions is media facades for shopping malls, employing the same digital signs technology.


Media facades for shopping malls: Attention-grabbing and creative advertising


Media facades are large screens placed on the facades of shopping centers. They allow the integration of advertisements, video clips, and other content to attract customer attention. Thanks to centralized video management systems, the company can easily change and adapt content across all its points of presence.


Development of modern digital signage solutions


Another key advantage of using digital signs is the ability to utilize analytics and track the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. IKEA can analyze data on which advertising materials attract more consumer attention, enabling optimization of its marketing strategies.


The future of digital signage at IKEA


The application of digital signs at IKEA is only part of the company’s strategy for leveraging innovative technologies. In the future, IKEA may consider expanding the use of digital technologies to personalize interactions with customers, introducing, for example, smart screens with interactive capabilities to enhance the shopping experience.


Digital signage software, the foundation of a successful advertising campaign


Digital signage software is a crucial component that enables the creation, placement, and management of diverse content on digital screens. This includes video playback, images, animations, and other multimedia content that effectively showcases furniture assortments, promotions, and other important messages.


Systems for digital signs and convenient content management and control


An effective digital signage system allows stores to easily update and modify content on their displays. Convenient management enables quick adaptation of advertising campaigns and the dissemination of timely offers and information about new products in the assortment.


Digital signage player for reliable content playback


A Digital signs player is a key element, ensuring reliable playback of multimedia content on the store’s screens. Providing quality video and graphics playback, these players play a crucial role in creating an attractive visual experience for customers.


Management for digital signage: Instant administration and monitoring


Digital signs management systems allow administrators to remotely control content on all store screens. This instant administration and monitoring enable a quick response to changes in demand and prompt updates of advertising materials.


Utilizing free digital signage software allows furniture stores to achieve significant savings when implementing digital solutions. This opportunity to use powerful tools for content creation and management comes without substantial licensing costs.


Digital signage solutions: Engaging and intriguing customers


The application of digital signs solutions allows furniture stores to create interactive and captivating visual experiences for customers. Displaying furniture assortments dynamically, virtual tours of collections, or design tips are just a part of the possibilities.


Centralized video management system: Control and synchronization


A centralized video management system enables stores to instantly control and synchronize video playback on different screens. This ensures consistency and accuracy in conveying information.


Conclusion on the benefits and prospects of digital signage


Digital signs for furniture stores is not only an effective advertising tool but also an innovative way to enhance interactions with customers. The use of digital signage software, systems for digital screen, and other Digital Signs technologies allows furniture stores not only to attract attention but also to create a memorable impression that will stay with customers for a long time.


Advision is a cloud-based Digital Signage software for remote control and scheduling of broadcast video and audio content. We help offline businesses and advertising companies automate workflows and implement a robust Digital Signs infrastructure using our own software and hardware solutions.


The reason digital signage has become so popular is that it engages with the audience in a more effective way than static signage. Moving images, visually striking graphics and the ability to refresh the message instantly make it more captivating. Through digital delivery an organisations ensures that signage screens look exciting, up-to-date and relevant.


Digital signage was previously seen as a technical tool requiring the support of an IT team. However, CMS platforms are now designed with the needs of a marketing or communications team in mind, allowing simple updating and control. While there can still be some complex integration work required to deliver the solution implementation, day-to-day operation should no longer be a technical challenge.


Digital signage networks can be as complex or as simple as you like, scaling from control of one, two or three screens, up to however many you can handle. Zoning features allow you to send the same digital content to multiple screens or to just a handful.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your problems!

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