Digital signage in bank branches attracts customers – 2 cases

Digital signage in bank is becoming a key tool.

Not very long ago, when you walked into a bank, the only thing between you and the teller was a counter. Now, it’s becoming increasingly common to pass a video wall, an interactive panel or some other digital display before a teller calls you forward. Soon, it will be standard. Banks are implementing the same digital signage long used by clothing stores and other retail destinations. And there’s a good reason why: These displays provide a dynamic medium through which banks can inform, entertain and connect with customers.


What is digital signage? At a basic level, digital signage refers to electronic displays that replace traditional static signs. But digital signage is more than just a digitalized version of the physical signs it replaces.


Facilitating the creation of an innovative and individualized experience for clients through a centralized video content management system. Their adaptability and customization abilities position them as a vital tool in boosting the effectiveness of marketing strategies, analytics, and client interaction. This not only enables banks to present their services and brand optimally but also to establish robust and enjoyable relationships with clients, drawing them into the digital era of banking.


Case 1: OptiBank’s Digital Signage Transformation


Client Profile: OptiBank


OptiBank, a mid-sized regional bank, aimed to modernize its branch experiences while optimizing communication with its diverse clientele. Their objective was to offer a personalized and engaging banking experience while streamlining operational processes.




OptiBank faced challenges in creating consistent client communication strategies across its branches. The bank’s traditional static displays limited the dynamic interaction they aimed to achieve with their diverse client base. Additionally, updating information in real-time posed logistical challenges, resulting in delays in disseminating critical information.




OptiBank partnered with a digital signage solutions provider to implement an innovative digital communication network across its branches. The implementation included strategically positioned digital screens, touch panels, and a centralized content management system, ensuring a unified and consistent brand message across all locations.




1. Strategic Placement of Displays:


Digital screens were strategically positioned in high-traffic areas, such as customer service areas, waiting lounges, and transaction counters, ensuring maximum visibility and client engagement.


2. Centralized Content Management:


A robust content management system allowed for remote updates, enabling OptiBank to swiftly disseminate real-time information, promotions, and tailored messages across all branches. The system integrated easily with the bank’s existing communication infrastructure, allowing seamless updates and modifications.


3. Personalized Messaging and Targeted Promotions:


Utilizing data insights, OptiBank tailored messages and promotions, aligning with client preferences and transaction histories. The digital screens showcased personalized offers and services, increasing audience engagement and driving product awareness.


4. Operational Efficiency:


The digital signage solution not only enhanced experience of potential bank clients, but also optimized internal operations. The centralized system reduced the time and resources required for content management, allowing staff to focus more on client interactions.




The digital signage integration brought about transformative changes for OptiBank:


1. Enhanced Client Experience:


Clients responded positively to the interactive and personalized communication, resulting in increased engagement and positive feedback.


2. Improved Operational Efficiency:


The remote content management system reduced the time and effort required for updates and maintenance, leading to more streamlined operations.


3. Increased Product Awareness and Sales:


Tailored messaging and targeted promotions led to an uptick in product awareness and sales, highlighting the effectiveness of communication.


4. Consistent Branding and Communication:


The uniform messaging across branches strengthened OptiBank’s brand image, ensuring a consistent and cohesive client experience.


OptiBank’s successful implementation of digital signage not only modernized their branch experiences but also created a more engaging and personalized interaction with their clients, marking a significant step towards embracing the digital future of banking.


Case 2: BNP Paribas touch screen and payment acceptance


The strategic alliance between Ingenico, a prominent player in payment terminals, and BNP Paribas, a renowned French bank, marks a significant leap forward in the realm of consumer engagement and transactional convenience. This collaboration is not just an integration of hardware or technology; it represents a shift in the very way we interact and conduct transactions.


The venture aims to redefine the functionality of digital displays, traditionally used for advertising, into multifaceted touchpoints for transactions. Leveraging the expertise of Think&Go, a provider of digital display solutions, the initiative intends to introduce a series of interactive screens in public spaces.


The innovation lies in the transformation of these screens from passive information providers to active transactional hubs. Consumers will have the ability to seamlessly complete purchases or donations through a simple touch on the display. This shift marks a departure from conventional payment methods, enabling transactions and philanthropic contributions right from the interactive interface.


The potential applications of this integration are extensive. Beyond fostering impulse purchases in commercial settings, these interactive displays hold the promise of facilitating charitable donations. With a user-friendly interface, they’re positioned not only to stimulate consumer spending but also to serve as catalysts for social good.


From a commercial perspective, this convergence of technology and finance holds the power to augment the consumer experience, promoting quicker and more convenient transactions. For charitable organizations, it opens up a new channel for receiving donations, simplifying the process and potentially broadening the scope of giving.


The impact of this collaboration is not confined to mere transactional convenience. It signifies a shift in how we perceive and utilize everyday interfaces. These screens are no longer passive recipients of our attention; they are active facilitators of transactions, seamlessly blending commerce and compassion. As this technology evolves and becomes more widespread, the realms of consumer engagement and social impact are poised to transform, making transactions and contributions as simple as a touch on a screen.


Advision is a cloud cross-platform Digital Signage software.

We help offline business and advertising companies to implement reliable Digital Signage infrastructure using our own software and hardware solutions.

Advision is used for DOOH advertising networks, digital signage at points of sale (retail), in the fast food industry for digital menus, and corporate TV.

Customization of software functions is possible to meet the client’s specific requirements.


Contact us, and we will help you implement the most modern technologies to solve your tasks!

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