Digital signage in a retail is a tool with up to 100% efficiency

What is Digital signage in a retail businesses and how is it used?    

Digital Signage in retail

Automating control of digital signage screens in a store is essential for effective retail business management these days. Even with a small chain of 100 stores, manually controlling advertising and managing content is impossible. To achieve maximum success and increase store profitability, retailers need to use the latest technological developments in big data management and visualization.


One of the most effective tools for automating content management is the advision SaaS digitals signage platform. It allows retailers to automate all related processes, recording each instance of content display. This makes it possible to analyze the effectiveness of media campaigns using statistics on content distribution and data on sold products.


It is important to note that to achieve maximum impact in a retail location, screens of any size – from 10 to 75 inches – should be used, installed both vertically and horizontally. When screens are placed correctly, the proportion of visitors interested in the displayed advertisement can reach 100%. The architecture of the advision solution makes the complex task of managing a dispersed advertising network of screens understandable for all process participants. Thus, Digital Signage ceases to be a luxury and becomes a tool for earning for retailers.


The classic point of sale (POS) materials can no longer guarantee the effective promotion of every product in a store. At the same time, automation of content control and management with digital solution can be a very effective solution for retailers. With the use of such tools, maximum success can be achieved, and the profitability of the store can be increased.

In addition, automation of content control allows retailers quickly respond to changes in supply and demand. For example, if a particular product starts selling faster than usual, the retailer can quickly update the advertising on the screens and attract even more customers to that product. Additionally, digital solution makes it easy to conduct A/B tests of advertising campaigns to determine which content works best for a particular audience.

Today, one of the most significant advantages of Digital Signage is its environmentally friendly and cost-effective way of promoting products. Unlike paper advertising, which needs to be printed and processed, screens not only save costs but also help reduce waste.

Automating content management using Digital Signage is not only a necessity today but also an investment in the future of the business. Retailers who implement this technology gain a significant advantage over their competitors, improve their image, and increase profits.


Digital signage software can also be used not only for advertising but also for training employees and informing visitors about news and events in the store. This improves the level of service and customer satisfaction, which, in turn, leads to increased sales and improved brand reputation. Thus, the use of  SaaS platform is an important element of effective retail business management today.

One example of successful Digital Signage use is McDonald’s. All of their restaurants in the United States are equipped with digital menu boards that are automatically updated and allow customers to quickly choose and order their favorite product. This not only improves the user experience but also increases the speed of service, which, in turn, increases the profitability of the restaurants.


Digital signage has become an essential tool in the retail industry, allowing retailers to display targeted content and promotions to customers in-store. However, managing digital signage content and campaigns can be a daunting task without the right tools.


The solution to this problem lies in automation through the use of digital signage software. There are several free digital signage software options available for retailers that offer a variety of features and functionalities to streamline content management, distribution, and analysis.

One popular option is the CMS digital signage platform. This software allows retailers to create and manage digital signage content from a centralized location, ensuring consistency across all stores. With CMS, retailers can easily upload, schedule, and distribute content to individual displays or groups of displays, simplifying the content management process.


Another option is a content management SaaS platform, which offers a cloud-based solution for managing digital signage content. This software provides retailers with access to a range of features, including content creation tools, scheduling, and analytics. Additionally, a cloud-based solution means that retailers can access their digital signage content from anywhere, making it easy to manage displays across multiple locations.

By using digital signage software, retailers can gain valuable insights into the effectiveness of their media campaigns. By recording each instance of content display, retailers can track which promotions and messages resonate with customers and adjust their strategies accordingly.


Effective retail business management requires automation of digital signage. Best free digital signage software for retail, CMS digital signage, and content management  SaaS platform can provide efficient and cost-effective solutions. Retailers can easily manage their signage content, record each instance of content display, and analyze the effectiveness of media campaigns using statistics on content distribution and data on sold products.

Let’s reiterate the benefits of automating digital signage management in retail business management:

  • Advision SaaS digital signage platform is an effective tool for automating content management in retail businesses.


  • Automated content management allows retailers to record each instance of content display and analyze the effectiveness of media campaigns.


  • Using screens of different sizes, placed vertically and horizontally, can reach 100% of interested visitors.


  • Advision’s architecture makes managing a dispersed advertising network of screens understandable for all process participants.


  • Digital signage is no longer a luxury, but a tool for earning for retailers.


  • Classic POS materials are no longer effective for promoting every product in a store.


  • Automation of content control allows retailers to quickly respond to changes in supply and demand.


  • Updating advertising on screens can attract even more customers to a popular product.


  • Digital solutions make it easy to conduct A/B tests of advertising campaigns.


  • Automation of content control and management can increase the profitability of a store


In conclusion, Digital Signage software is a powerful tool for content management and increasing sales efficiency in retail business. Automating this process using a SaaS platform such as Advision allows retailers to manage their content in a more efficient way and achieve maximum success.

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